Praveen Kakkar: Learn Life Management from Festivals

Praveen kakkar
4 min readDec 6, 2023
Praveen kakkar
praveen kakkar

Everyone has heard that Indian culture is the richest, oldest, and most scientific. We observe the cultural holidays, customs, and religious rites as well, but we are unaware of the scientific underpinnings of these practices, even if these practices can teach us how to govern our lives. As we celebrate Makar Sankranti right now, let’s talk about the various lessons that this festival imparts. In addition to the excitement of worshiping the Sun God, eating sesame-jaggery, and flying kites, Sankranti also conveys many truths.

A Celebration of Sun Worship and More

There is more to the fervently observed Makar Sankranti celebration in India than first meets the eye. Beneath the joyful kite flying, sesame-jaggery excess, and Sun God prayers, there is a wealth of scientific information and insights that might help us make better decisions about our lives.

The Significance of Sun Worship

At the core of Makar Sankranti lies the age-old practice of sun worship. This awe of the heavens is not only customary, but it also acknowledges the scientific consensus on the Sun’s critical role in maintaining life on Earth. The Sun is, in fact, the cosmic engine that powers all of our planet’s complex systems, from supplying light and warmth to regulating its climate and seasons.

Every Indian festival has a scientific significance, every festival of ours is based on food habits, lifestyle, crops, and changes in nature. Our festivals incorporate teachings about human psychology, societal duties, the environment, astronomy, and legendary stories. According to the Gregorian calendar, Makar Sankranti is the first festival of the year. Sun is considered the soul of the universe.

The Scientific Essence of Indian Festivals

Praveen Kakkar advocates for recognizing the scientific foundation of Indian festivals. Mythological tales enhance cultural diversity, but these celebrations also shed light on astronomical phenomena, the state of the environment, human nature, and social obligations. Through the lens of science, Indian festivals become windows into a holistic understanding of life.

Lessons in Lifestyle, Food Habits, and Agriculture

Indian festivals, including Makar Sankranti, seamlessly weave scientific principles into everyday practices. Praveen Kakkar highlights the significance of commemorating the harvest season by pointing out how the festivals correspond with agricultural cycles. The associated food habits and lifestyle choices during these festivals are harmoniously synced with nature’s rhythm.

Astronomical Events and Social Duties

Festivals frequently reflect astronomical occurrences as they take place. Praveen Kakkar explains how Indian holidays, such as Makar Sankranti, act as a wake-up call to celestial events. These festivities also highlight social obligations and responsibilities, which promote a feeling of connectivity and solidarity among people.

Makar Sankranti is the festival of worship of the sun god. Around this time, people celebrate Pongal in South India and Lohri in North India. The term Sankranti refers to the Sun’s Uttarayan or the slow transition from south to north. Which signals us to bring positivity in life and move towards light.

Bringing Positivity and Moving Towards Light

Makar Sankranti serves as a spiritual and cultural beacon. The Sun’s voyage towards the north represents a change from the darkness of the past to the light of the future. It dispels negativity and promotes personal growth by encouraging people to embrace positive changes and introspection.

Now let’s discuss Makar Sankranti’s management and scientific significance. The Sun’s entry into Capricorn signifies transition, teaching us that it is the primary law of nature and that we should always be prepared for personal transformation as circumstances and time urge. Pongal and Sankranti are directly related to the sun, that is light, positivity, and height. The Sankranti festival shows us the importance of setting lofty, ambitious goals. So that we can proceed in a determined manner to accomplish goals.

Symbol of Light, Positivity, and Height

The Sun acquires deep symbolic meaning when viewed through the lens of Praveen Kakkar’s observations. It stands for both actual light and the figurative lighting of wisdom and optimism. The Sun’s rise across the sky serves as a metaphor for social and personal elevation, inspiring people to aim higher in a variety of spheres of life.

According to our scriptures, sesame is considered the first grain of creation. Sesame seeds are therefore always used in havan-puja. Antioxidants, calcium, and carbohydrates can all be found in sesame seeds. Taking a bath in which to soak them offers health benefits, and massaging them with oil leaves skin glowing. Eating it mixed with Jaggery provides health benefits. The combination of sesame seeds and jaggery imparts an organizational lesson, while the jaggery educates us about the sweetness of relationships. Thus, the celebration of Lohri involves starting a fire. Since fire is revered beyond all other emotions, it sends a message to us that negative emotions such as resentment, wrath, greed, jealousy, and ego should be burned in the fire of Lohri and treated with warmth. Relationships should be maintained.

Makar Sankranti is celebrated with the flying of kites, which is a tradition. Flying a kite teaches us to be joyful and colorful, and the kite string conveys the message that, no matter how high the kite soars, it must always be in the right hands to avoid misguiding us. When we recognize the deeper significance of our holidays, we will celebrate them not just as a way to honor our traditions but also as a way to bring joy and positivity into our lives.

Also Read:

Praveen Kakkar- Our Festivals are the Greatest Heritage of Cultural Unity



Praveen kakkar

Mr. Praveen Kakkar has previously served as the Officer on S0pecial Duty (OSD) to the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh.