BizOps — When technology enables business

Organizational values and human capital — not plans and technology — help organizations achieve their goals and missions. BizOps is a value-chain-based framework that drives business transformation by creating a set of values across people, processes, and technology. The values are created and harnessed by developing core capabilities in multiple areas enabled by the next-generation solutions (aka technology). BizOps also aligns well with Gartner’s PACE-Layered Architecture.

Praveen Verma
2 min readJan 13, 2023

A while back, I created a framework to tie business and technology to showcase how technology drives business outcomes.

The basic idea is to tie individual products to various competencies and human capital to show a holistic view.

I am not going to explain the framework because I have scrubbed it. Anyway, the details that are relevant to me will be irrelevant to you.

Please take a look and feel free to repurpose it for your use. Use it as inspiration and generate new ideas to tell your story.

Below are some definitions that can come in handy:

BizOps: A framework with a set of methodologies to connect technical investments to business outcomes.

ValueOps: Increases visibility across your organization to efficiently optimize the flow of value. ValueOps aggregates and connects intelligence data from across the organization in real-time, providing business leaders with increased visibility and business insights to drive informed business decisions and deploy resources to support the highest priority initiatives for continued growth and innovation. ValueOps optimizes the flow of value through seamless integration of business and IT.

Gartner’s ValueOps: A strategy for IT operations that offers a holistic set of frameworks, methodologies, and philosophies to enable I&O leaders to implement the appropriate operations processes based upon the needs of the business by leveraging Gartner’s Pace-Layered Application Strategy.

Gartner’s Pace Layered Architecture: A methodology for categorizing, selecting, managing, and governing applications to support business change, differentiation, and innovation.

DevOps: DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations.



Praveen Verma

Product Manager, Mentor | #Problem Solver | #Ideator | Love: #Innovation & #ProductManagement | Travel, Hiking, Scotch