Dealing with shit in life

Praveen Penumaka
2 min readDec 30, 2018


I’ve been meaning to write a blog post for a while. I had everything set up to write but there was only one problem. I just couldn’t write. Not one word. I started this post in the hopes that this will give me enough momentum to continue. By the time of starting this post, I had no clue how I’m going to finish this.

There is actually a deep-rooted problem which I acknowledged but too afraid of talking about it in public. Recently, I have gone through a rough patch in my life. Both my personal and professional life fell apart. I don’t want to go into details but… I felt cheated. I’ve felt helpless. I felt angry. Hell, at times I even had anxiety attacks.

My intention is to talk about how I dealt with the issue rather than the problem itself.

These are my learnings

  • Social Structure: Don’t underestimate the support you will get from your social structure. You will be surprised to see the overwhelming support you will get just by talking. I am thankful to my family and friends who helped and supported me through this time.
  • Shit happens. Don’t concentrate on it. Learn from it and focus on the future.
  • Read more: Reading more has helped me in learning new things I always wanted to, which helped me to focus on the future rather than past.
  • Do what you want to do: This is such a cliche. But very well applies to this situation. People from a middle class family, like me, will be tempted to go after big money. Just DON’T. If your basic requirements are met, that is good enough. Doing what you like is much more important.
  • Expecto patronum: I started reading Harry Potter when I was in college. In that book, To defend from dementors (“bad things”), a wizard has to use a particularly advanced spell, while incantation he/she has to concentrate on one happiest memory of his life. Better the memory, better the spell works. I was amazed by the simplicity of this idea. You can fight shit in your life with all the good memories.
  • Finally, don’t lose trust in people. We are not perfect but we have the capacity to be better. Help others. I feel will eventually come back.

