I’ve Been Laid Off: Is It the Best (or Worst) of Times?

Kevin Dugan
2 min readMar 29, 2016

Let’s not bury the lead. My position at Empower has been eliminated and my last day is Friday, April 15th. So time is of the essence.

Let’s not mince words. It’s all good. OK, as good as it can be in a situation like this. In fact, I’ll be freelancing for Empower as I figure out what’s next. And I’m very proud of the work I’ve done with some very talented people over the last seven years.

What’s Next For Me?

As of April 15th, I’m a free agent. As of today, I have a few reasons why you should click here and contact me.

  • Job Openings: I’m interested in marketing job leads in the greater Cincinnati area. Any help you can provide is appreciated.
  • Consulting: Do you have freelance consulting needs? If they require broad experience in marketing strategy, or more specific experience in content marketing, social media or public relations, we should talk.
  • Collaboration: Do you want access to the most low-maintenance combination of creativity, strategy and collaboration in the greater Cincinnati area? I’m happy to participate in a brainstorm session or other meeting with a similarly productive outcome. In return, I’ll hang out at your office for the day. All I need is some wi-fi and a place to sit that’s within reach of an electrical outlet. It’s that easy for us to collaborate.

Still unsure if you should contact me? You may need more background. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.

Identifying My Next Opportunity

Why am I “identifying my next opportunity” instead of finding a job? It’s because being laid off can be the best of times or it can be the worst of times. The outcome is totally up to us.

Winston Churchill said that “a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity and an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

So I see this difficulty as an opportunity. Thanks for helping me turn it into the best of times. I hope to hear from you soon.

ABOUT THE PHOTO: When my 11-year-old son customized my nameplate at work, he was quick to note he means “above average.” Despite my professional instincts, I thanked him and did not edit his work.



Kevin Dugan

Dad, Marketing Geek, Raconteur, Instagram Fan and more. Pushing for pragmatism across content, media, data and technology.