Git and Bitbucket

Premaranjan Dilujan
4 min readApr 20, 2023


  • What are Git and Bitbucket?
  • Installing the Git repository tool in the local machine
  • Creating a project in bitbucket and adding users to the respective project in Bitbucket
  • Configuring user credentials in developer machine
  • Creating development projects and connecting with Bitbucket
  • Managing Git branches and keeping track of different versions
  • Add changes to the remote repository
  • What is .gitgnore?

1 — What are Git and Bitbucket?


  • Git is a distributed repository management tool (version control tool).
  • It contains a set of commands in order to manage the project repository.


  • Bitbucket provides a service to host the repository in the cloud/physical server that configures Bitbucket.

Git and Bitbucket work together in order to manage the repository

2 — Installing the Git repository tool

Click download and install —

3 — Creating a project in bitbucket and adding users to the respective project in Bitbucket

  • Sign up or Log in to the bitbucket account.
  • Create a project and repository.
  • Adding users who will work in the repository with permissions.

4 — Configuring user credentials in the developer machine

open the git bash and follow the commands,

note: Use the user name and email which were integrated with Bitbucket.

git config — global ‘user_name’
git config — global ‘’

To see all the global parameters: git config — list

5 — Working with the remote repository(clone repo)

Create a folder and open the Git bash

after the Git bash opens the following steps in the bash,

i - clone the repository to that folder.

git clone

If you facing any authentication issues, watch this video.

Managing Git branches and keeping track of different versions

6 — Managing Git branches and keeping track of different versions

Note: The default branch is the master.

Optional steps are done by the project admin,

i — Create a new branch

note: change the directory (cd test_repo) into the git repository that was cloned.

git branch br_dev1

  • in the project, each developer has their own branch which is used to push changes in the project that was done by the specific developer.
  • When we create a new branch from a previous branch, it takes the copy of the previous branch. for example, in our case we create a new branch br_dev1 from the master branch, therefore br_dev1 branch takes the copy of the source code from the master branch.

ii — Switch into the created branch

git checkout br_dev1

ii i— Initialized the created branch in the remote repository.

  • Every branch has two copies of the branch.

a— local copy/repository (master, dev1) — The version maintains in the local machine

b — remote copy/repository (remotes/origin/master) — The branch maintains in the remote server.

  • It is important for which branch is updating work with the project.

git push -u origin br_dev1 — create br_dev1 in the remote repository and push everything in the local branch into the remote branch.

7 — Add changes to the remote repository.

now I’m in the br_dev1 branch.

i — Make changes in existing files from local the machine.

ii — git status

  • show all the changes.
  • in our case add, and modify files available in the local project file(local uncommitted changes) not in the br_dev1 branch.

iii — git add .

  • adding those changes to staging area.

iv — git commit -m “this is my first commit”

  • commit all the changes into the local repository of the particular branch(br_dev1 branch).

v — git push

  • push all the changes in the local repository into the remote repository of the particular branch(br_dev1 branch).

vi — merge the changes that are available in the remote repository of the particular branch(br_dev1 branch) into the master branch.

  • git checkout master — first, switch to the master branch.
  • git merge origin/br_dev1 — merge local master branch from changes available in remote br_dev1 branch
  • git push — push all the things available in the local master branch into the remote master branch

8 — How next developer get the updated code form repository?

i — git clone

  • clone the repository of the particular project into a particular local directory (one time enough).

ii — navigate into the respective cloned project

iii — git branch br_dev2

  • create a new branch done by admin (one time enough)

iv — git checkout br_dev2

  • switch into particular branch

v — git push -u origin br_dev2

  • create br_dev2 in the remote repository and push everything in the local branch into the remote branch.

vi — git pull origin master

  • Pull the update from the master branch



Premaranjan Dilujan

BICT with Specialization in S.E. | S.E. Trainee @CBC Tech | Data Science Enthusiast