How I Became A Certified Mobile Web Specialist In 6 Months

Precious Adeyinka
4 min readFeb 28, 2019


Google Africa Challenge Badge


I still feel like I am dreaming…

I have been seriously thinking about how possible it is to have been selected as one of the Google Scholars for the year 2018 and finally now a Udacity Alumni. I mean that’s a lot of promotion in a short while!!!

If you are still confused unto what I am talking about, I have already started this conversation here. Which was basically how I feel when I was selected as a google scholar and the application process.

This whole story started exactly 5:46 PM on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, when I was still an inexperienced basic HTML and CSS developer, surfing the net for better opportunities like this. I am not going to bore you much with the details of how I was until now, I already gave heads up in my other article which I already mentioned earlier above.

What I want to talk about is how I became a Certified Mobile Web Specialist in 6 months time. Well, after the program had started and I was immersed in it for the period of the first week, I wasn’t so tensed like I was initially. I became a lot more comfortable asking questions and finding answers.


The course had an amazing but overwhelming structure, I had to commit 4 hours per day, to move ahead along each stage and that was because I had other things I needed to do aside committing to my course every day.

There were many tasks and projects along the way, but there was a major one which everyone had to do, and it required three (3) stages to make it fully functional — creating a Restaurant Review Application.

Restaurant Review — MWS | Udacity

Project description

The program comprised three (3) stages:
- Accessible and Responsive Web Applications.
- Offline Capable Web Applications.
- Performant Web Applications.

What I Learnt during the course of this program:

I Learnt about the newest technologies in Web Development and the implementation and benefits of building Offline and Mobile first applications. Creating applications that combine the best of web and mobile application experiences. Creating rich and accessible Applications, responsive and interactive designing for all devices and screen sizes. Creating Web Applications that are also optimized for people with physical impairments.

I have my fully functional application here also Restaurant Revie Application

It was a tough one really to be sincere, but one of the most important things I really enjoyed during the course of the program was Peer Learning. Mentor-Student Relationship was Dope!!! The Udacity Knowledge Database, the Student Hub and the Classmates and the AMA Sessions — Ask Me Anything Sessions, everything was just Perfect, but I knew how to ask google too.

That’s not all, We had a slack platform provided by Andela and that was another major source of help. I received emails consequently from Udacity and Andela — Checking in on my (or all students) progress.


Nights after nights I would be awake looking for information and studying, trying and failing.

I would ask questions and I wouldn’t get replies for a long while. I would search for a problem I wouldn’t find the solution, I would go and consult Google, and when I eventually find the solutions I would post it to my classmates. I would run into so many errors trying out to solve problems I encountered. The moment I think I got it all under control? the instance another CSS quirks shows face. Javascript errors bursting my console space, errors everywhere, my code was at a point really messy and disgusting, I was almost deleting it all and starting over again. But I realized how far I had gone, so I persisted and went on with getting better and better.

I would submit my projects for review and will have to correct one or two things, luckily the reviewers (mentors) were really helpful in recognizing the specific issue and solving it, they usually provide external links and documentation to read up on. Those were not really funny moments actually, it was the only moment when I realized I had three (3) web browsers and I hoard tabs on all instances.

Luckily for me, I escaped all that with consistent practice and zeal to keep pressing forward.


I could go on and on till forever, I had learned a lot and a lot really.

I remember the last days of my last project like it was yesterday. I worked double times I used and ever did in my life. I searched 95% more, I read 95% more I helped 95% more, I wrote codes 95% more. I knew it was my last moments before the Glory and I had to make it COUNT. I was high on succeeding, and BOY DID I.


I sincerely appreciate all my mentors, my classmates, everyone at slack I wish I could call you all by name. But I really appreciate everyone that directly and indirectly render help. And I thank myself for not giving up on me.

I thank UDACITY, GOOGLE, and ANDELA, I would recommend learning together at Andela, Udacity, and Google, over and over again.

Well, I got my certificate at the end of the day it is somewhere on this article.

Thank you for reading…

Mobile Web Specialist — Nanodegree Program Certificate
Google Africa Challenge Certificate



Precious Adeyinka

Mobile Web Specialist || Udacity Alumni || Software Developer || Cloud DevOps || Mooctors Tutor