Inauguration and Oath-Taking Ceremony for Officials of State University of Malang

Windiastari Widyaningsih
2 min readDec 10, 2022


The inauguration and Oath-taking ceremony was held on Friday (04/11/22) at Sasana Krida, State University of Malang, running smoothly and wisely.

The series of events began with the singing of the national anthem Indonesia Raya, followed by the recitation of the holy verses of the Al-Qur’an, the reading of the decree, the reading of the inauguration manuscript, followed by taking the oath of office led by the Chancellor of the State University of Malang, Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd. After that the event continued with the signing of the Minutes of Oath Taking and the Deed of Integrity. Don’t forget Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd as Chancellor of State University of Malang gave a speech.

In his remarks, the Chancellor of Malang State University appealed to the officials who had just been appointed to carry out budget efficiency and improve performance so that Malang State University could continue to develop. “For this reason, I have reminded all of us as PTN-BH to carry out budget efficiencies so that please look at each unit in each, the budget does not have to be spent, but what performance have you achieved. Thus, UM as a university can continue to develop in the industrial era 4.0 and society 5.0. he said

“We are proud because it turns out that the achievements of all of our friends under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Ach. Rofi’udin M.Pd has achieved brilliant achievements. This is a very proud legacy as well as a responsibility that we must all bear together. At a minimum, it is the same as the University’s achievements before taking office, and the maximum is better than what was before,” concluded Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd.

After remarks from Prof. Dr. Hariyono, M.Pd, the event was then closed by reading a prayer and congratulating each of the newly appointed officials

