My Freelance Journey: 12 months in retroperspective

Dr. Johannes Fuhr @Predict42
1 min readApr 13, 2018


In this infographic, I share the process and lessons learned in the first year as a freelancer in the field of marketing and sales automation. This is also a contribution to my collaborators, with whom I have so much fun in doing joined projects. They are an inspiration to learn and get better every day.

I hope this might help freelancers at an early stage or people considering going freelance. There is also broader piece, in which I desribe what motivated me to go freelance.

As my next step will be to turn my freelance business into a small company, I am looking for feedback from those who have taken a similar road.

This link below will bring you to the interactive version of the infographic, while further below is the infographic itself.

12 Month Freelance Journey

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Dr. Johannes Fuhr @Predict42

prototype, learn, and automate — we help you ask the right questions to make better decisions in marketing and people analytics!