Preet Biswas
3 min readMay 13, 2023

How wheel is invented

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there were humans who roamed the earth on foot. They had no modes of transportation, no carts to carry their goods, and no way to make their lives easier. They walked for miles and miles, carrying their belongings on their backs, and often struggled to survive.
One day, a curious human noticed a round stone that was rolling down a hill. He watched as it effortlessly glided down the slope, and was fascinated by the way it moved. He picked up the stone and examined it closely. It was smooth and perfectly round, with no sharp edges. He rolled it in his hand, and realized that it was much easier to carry than other heavy objects.
The human had a brilliant idea. He decided to create a tool that would replicate the rolling motion of the stone, and make transportation much easier. He gathered materials from the surrounding environment, and began to experiment with different shapes and sizes.
At first, he tried to create a square-shaped object that would roll like a stone, but it did not work. It was difficult to move, and did not glide smoothly. He then tried a triangular shape, but it did not work either. Finally, he came up with the idea of a circular shape that would roll effortlessly.
He gathered clay from the riverbed and molded it into a round shape. He then placed it on a flat surface and pushed it gently. To his amazement, it rolled smoothly across the ground. He had created the world’s first wheel.
The human knew that he had discovered something revolutionary. He began to experiment with different materials, trying to find the best one to use for his invention. He tried wood, stone, and even animal bones, but found that they were not as effective as he had hoped.
Finally, he discovered that a combination of wood and metal would work best. He crafted a wooden circle and attached metal spokes to it, creating a sturdy and durable wheel. He then attached it to a cart, and was able to carry much more weight than he ever had before.
Word of the human’s invention spread quickly, and soon other humans began to create their own wheels. They used them to build carts, wagons, and even boats. The invention of the wheel revolutionized the way humans lived, making transportation easier and more efficient.
With the invention of wheels, humans were able to travel farther and faster than ever before. They could carry more goods, trade with other communities, and explore new lands. The wheel also led to the creation of new technologies, such as the water wheel and windmill, which were used to power machines and grind grains.
As time passed, humans continued to innovate and improve upon the wheel. They created different types of wheels for different purposes, such as wagon wheels, bicycle wheels, and car wheels. They also developed new materials, such as rubber, which made wheels more durable and long-lasting.
Today, the wheel is an essential part of our daily lives. We use them on our cars, bikes, and even on our luggage. They have become so ubiquitous that we often take them for granted, forgetting the incredible innovation that went into their creation.
The invention of the wheel is a testament to human ingenuity and creativity. It is a reminder that even the simplest of ideas can have a profound impact on the world. The wheel changed the course of human history, and continues to shape our lives today.