Twitter DM Tool: A strategy marketing tool!

6 min readJul 15, 2022


Twitter DM Poll is one of the most basic marketing tools that you can use to reach your targeted audience, and it’s also one of the most effective.

A simple survey lets you find out what people really want, and it gives you insight into their habits and preferences. You can use this information to develop targeted content and messaging that will resonate with your audience. Twitter DM polls are a great way to get feedback from potential customers who might be interested in hearing more about your product or service. Plus they drive traffic back to your website (and out into the real world).

The best part? It’s easy to do! Here’s how:

In a few simple steps, you may create a poll!

Twitter Polls enable you to vote on questions asked by other Twitter users. You can also quickly design your own poll and directly see the results.

To obtain quick feedback, use Twitter DM!

Twitter DM is an excellent feature for getting immediate feedback from your audience or consumers. When you do this, you transmit the message that you are aware of their presence and value their thoughts. With fast access to poll results, you may acquire traffic on a certain issue as well as people’s opinions, whether favorable or bad, with the press of a single button.

You can conduct research on the following topics:

  • Where should the team’s next offsite meeting be held?
  • Who will win the next national election?
  • Which voting places are worthwhile?
  • When is the ideal time for you to give the yoga class?
  • Which of the four following names is the best fit for that new milk flavor?

You can send a Twitter DM altogether in one click!

To conduct research or target an audience is not an easy task but with Convocean’s DM feature, you can send as many DMs as you want in one click on Twitter!

Just Set a Poll on Twitter DM to send them to an audience!

Create polls fast and effortlessly using Twitter DM. If you don’t already have a Convocean account, visit to sign up!. In a matter of minutes, you can develop and launch your Twitter DM poll.

Do you want to know how to make a poll? Let’s go through the steps!

  • Compose your question (or a few brief questions) using the best principles for creating and collecting data.
  • You can view the display in a popup window on the website and enter the information requested.
  • Enter your name, description, images, and a message for your customers or people to see. Following that, you may click “Create Poll” and proceed to the send message button.
  • Make smarter decisions based on the comments, and share the poll results with your followers.

You’ll be able to know whom to target:

ConvOcean provides real-time analytics data location-wise where you can know how many people are already talking about you or your service and products. You can also get to know how positively or negatively they talk! Based on this, you can reach out to customers who talk about you! You can send Twitter DMs to all these targeted people in one click!

3 reasons why you should consider Twitter DM polling your audience:

1. Polls help you get more customers which means more engagement with your content.

2. Polls help you better understand what content is resonating with your customers, which can help you create more engaging posts, offers and deals that keep them coming back for more.

3. Polls help you discover trends in your industry and make informed decisions about what kind of content resonates best with your audience at any given time.

You can use Convocean’s Twitter DMs for many industries purposes:

Many kinds of businesses can use Convocean’s Twitter DM polls to provide in-depth customer feedback and insight on any topic. It’s easy for businesses to set up a poll, and the results are instantly displayed right in front of them.

For example, if you’re running a campaign to increase awareness of your brand, ask your followers if they know about it. You can also ask them what they’d like to see more of or less of in future campaigns.

If you’re launching a new product or service, ask your customers what they think about it. You might even be able to offer discounts or other incentives if they respond positively!

You can also use Twitter DM polls to gauge interest in specific topics and events. For example, if you’re trying to increase awareness of a new event that’s happening soon, run a poll asking people what they’re most excited about attending. You could even offer discounted tickets for those who respond with the most votes!

There are many other ways Twitter DM polls can help you!

  • Politics: It can help in your campaigns to reach out to your audiences.
  • Organizing events: Ask people about their preferable timing, menu and venue to organize an event.
  • Education: You can ask students for course feedback, their topics, favorite subjects and many more. Final year students can conduct their research by sending Twitter DM polls to many people instead of sending Google forms to an individual.
  • NGOs: You can ask people for volunteering and if they are interested to donate or participate in your activities to help people in need.
  • Traveling: You can ask people about their favorite locations, the best spots to visit, and the most difficult places for food.
  • Technology: Which one is better among the two websites? Ask this question to your targeted audience and you’ll be able to know whether you’re succeeding or not!
  • Government: You can ask people about their opinions on many things like roadways, facilities etc to get them their best citizenship experience.

How would they notify the DM?

  • Email from Twitter: Customers will receive an email from Twitter that they have a new message on Twitter.
  • Mobile notification: Customers will also receive a text message from Twitter in the same way on their registered mobile number.
  • Twitter DM: A badge of the unread message will be seen on their Twitter application or website.

Quick tips to improve your polls on Twitter:

1. Create polls in advance: Don’t create a poll and then sort of hope it works out. If you’re trying to do something unique, like asking people to vote on the best movie of all time, don’t just make up an arbitrary list of movies and then hope that people will answer the way you want them to. Instead, think about what your question is really asking and write your survey accordingly. The more detailed your questions are, the better they’ll work as polls. If it is ready, schedule the time with convocean and it’ll be sent automatically. You can schedule DMs within 24 hours.

2. Be consistent with your polls: If you want honest feedback from people who type a creative question, they won’t answer if they don’t see that there’s something special happening when you send something to them. So if you’re doing a weekly or monthly poll, be sure to send it clear at least once in the description or headline that it is happening today at noon EDT/EDT or whatever time zone that applies to you (Convocean uses EST timezone).

3. Keep it short, simple and clear: Use clear language for each item in your list so that people know exactly what is being asked for when they open your DM and start responding.

Visit to solve your queries now to send the Twitter DMs!

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