A filigree of emotions feeling & thoughts -Energy Psychology

Preetha Kingsview
6 min readDec 11, 2019


Watching my son(7) dance, to the music of Aanke Maare, an upbeat Bollywood song, my heart’s beating fast, and my gut is rumbling with butterflies feeling sensations of excitement, thrill and pure joy. I can feel my body ready to dance along with him but this moment wasn’t mine, it was truly his and he was owning every bit of it.

We noticed early on he had weak eye-hand as well as upper and lower body coordination as he grew older and started to play. A couple of years ago when he danced he would look like the puppets in the puppet show. Each hand and leg dancing to their own rhythm. He would remind me of me, trying to scramble my family together to decide which movie to watch on a typical movie night.

But on that day, he danced with full presence of mind, he knew what he was doing and he was finally feeling himself his pure self in one piece. His eyes gleamed with joy. He felt like a star and at that moment nothing mattered, but him. He was contributing to the team with his best and he was shining at the same time.

As a mom, we always aspire for this moment to be, every moment of a child’s life. We wish our children to be happy, happy, and simply happy.

Happiness is such a simple yet fundamental survival emotion that we all brace for. But with happiness, comes the differentiation of the polar opposites, the universal law of attraction thrown within our genes and our neurological electrical system — the emotions, feelings and thoughts. Our emotions are a complex reticulation of electrical activity that connects each of us alive, dead or anything in between.

Imagine our human body as a pole. Obviously, head on one end and feet on the other. Emotionally, happiness, love, compassion manifested as service to humanity and nature on one end. Sorrow, hatred, anger, manifested as destruction towards humanity and nature on the other end. They are two polar opposites yet inseparable intertwined meant to co-exist.

Hence, happiness cannot be experienced or defined or differentiated to the human brain without the experience of sorrow.

Look at the mere phenomena of birth, a child always born crying first. Taking its first breath is its given responsibility. Crying is the action attached as the physical phenomenon. Yet there is a complex set of emotions that is evoked within the crying (physical action), the sadness (emotional action), feeling distress body signals of hand leg movements (neurological system lighting up) due to entry into a new world that feels different. This is already engraved and coded within the child’s DNA, as an exit mechanism when the right time comes. When the mother soothes the baby and is wrapped warmly, baby feels safe they even smile for the first time within the first few minutes of life. No body teaches them so. Thus Newtons 3rd law of physics comes in action, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. (Issac Newton)”

One can feel alive in body mind and spirit/soul when we can accept a path to Taoism where we understand deeply the true psychology of the co-existence of the polar opposites of emotions, thoughts and feelings.

Dr.Wayne W.Dyer talks about Taoism and its practical application in his book Change Your Thoughts — Change Your Life, Living the Wisdom of the Tao. This book changed my life and I haven’t even finished it.

This co-existence and acceptance of all emotions, thoughts, feelings and intentions is the foundation on which Eastern Medicine works. This foundation is known as Energy Psychology. We don’t need to go to the Himalayas or Kashi or rock climbing to understand this phenomenon. If one needs to, then one must go.

But if one doesn’t want to or cannot do so, then mental thought process (Psychology) can be understood deeply when we combine emotions, thoughts, feelings along with the subtle yet strong forces of energy. Thus, the term Energy Psychology comes into play. Energy Psychology is the understanding of the subtle energies or forces that works behind emotions feelings and thoughts.

Mahatma Gandhi quotes “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony (Gandhi).”

What you think becomes the thought. Thoughts are the result of emotions and feelings. What we say is the result of our emotions thoughts and feelings put together. What we do is manifested when our beliefs are in alignment. Our beliefs are stored in our brain as a result of the emotions, feelings and thoughts triggered when we experience something over and over. We are forced to feel and think because thoughts float around us all the time.

Have you even thought “why do I attract the same kind of annoying people all the time.” Have you ever thought “why do I keep having the same kind of experience even when I don’t want it.”

Have you ever walked thinking of a person that passed away, and a sign suddenly appears that triggers a memory of the person? Have you ever thought of a person, and within the next few moments, you get a call or text from that person?

Happiness is not the way rather alignment is the end product we must crave for.

Alignment or harmony is attainable. Alignment is a state of spirituality that anyone any age can experience. Our human brain needs the polar opposites to differentiate what it sees, hears, touches, tastes and smells to stores memories. These memories are used to trigger old memories or store new ones. One must work to discipline the senses and the subtle energies we feel or are forced to feel, due to the interwoven network or thoughts that keep floating around us 24/7.

Alignment is a form of experience that can bring long term contentment, peace and happiness as an end product. Happiness is simply an end product. And it is a temporary state of mind that soothes our senses, which is why we can get attached to it easily. Most of us think happiness is what we need to feel good and live well.

Alignment, on the other hand, manifests when we fine tune our emotions, we rewire our brain to think thoughts that we want to think, thus change our internal belief system. Alignment with our emotions, thoughts and feeling will help us manifest our wishes, our passion, our mission, our dreams and our purpose in this world. Alignment also helps us cope better when challenges and undeserving experiences chase us.

When I write about alignment, one person that comes to mind is Ashley Samuel. Ashley Samuel was to be an aspiring doctor for the unfortunate no matter where they were. Her wish was to travel around the world to help and heal the sick. Ashley was 16 when she went on her first mission to help a group of poor kids in India. Her memories will live on forever within all of us at Church. She lived by Mahatma Gandhi’s quote “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

Ashley knew her purpose and mission in this world. She felt fulfilled, she spread joy and inspiration. She was a pillar of happiness. Ashley strongly continue to inspire all of us and her innate need to serve the community is contagious. Many including our family have gathered already all across the North-East in various occasions to serve various communities in one way or another.

Ashley is a great example of someone who was in alignment and embraced all that life had to offer. She knew the life’s lessons far ahead of anyone around her. Ashley’s memories trigger love, a sense of commitment and togetherness.

Memories are triggered by emotions thoughts and feelings that coexist behind them. This is fundamental for us humans to sustain our humanity within us or else we and animals would behave the same. Hence, we are given the ultimate power or choice to manifest the happiest of emotions or the most dreaded anger and hatred. We have no other choice than to choose.



Preetha Kingsview

Lead Montessori Early Childhood Educator Early Childhood and Director I. Doctoral student in Complementary Alternate Medicine Concentration in Energy Psychology