Why the Girl always the one who is interrogated?

Preetii Sinha
3 min readOct 5, 2022

She did not do anything except questioning her dignity and worth. She was right, but no one in her family believed her until she complained about “the guy”. When girl is chased by a boy, society questions Girl only, even the parents start blaming their daughter. They often assume, that a girl must have lured “the guy”. After this false opinion, girls are restricted to go school, college and all their freedom is seized.

Some cases are worse where parents think now she could run away with boy so better to find groom and get her married. All her dreams are crushed only because parents misunderstanding.

What society we are building where there is no care about the pain of a daughter. A girl who is already suffering by boy who is chasing her and the parents who are not believing her. What way she should choose when her parents become strangers for her? There are so many girls out there who are suffering like that, they are not getting emotional attachment in their early adolescent and this phenomenon makes them weak and helpless.

They are undergoing with three conditions :

- First, physical changes, hormonal change in their body

- Second, ignorance and blame game by their parents

- Third, chasing and flirting by boys

How many parents prepare their girls for all of these changes and how to deal with them?

I don’t think we as a society are ready to support our girls for all of these? If we will not prepare our girls then it is going to spoil their lives pushing them in state of confusions which may led to the games like- boy-friend and girl — friend, break up, several relationships, finally most of the girls may end up nowhere.

As parents we need to teach them in early stage, support them. What if they took wrong detour it does not mean they cannot do study, they cannot make their career? Marriage is not only option to recover your negligence, try to understand the physical and emotional changes of your girls, support them, teach them, convey them there is whole world out there who wanted you to fly and make choices wisely.

Stop cutting their wings

stop beating them

stop getting marry

Why does a girl have to prove every step?. When your parents did not believe in you, then how can we expect society to ?

There are so many restrictions for girls, and they always have to prove boy was wrong. The society we are creating is one which bestow the insecurity upon girls, whenever we fail believe her.

It’ is not only confined within the home or even at the working places; almost everywhere women are blamed for attracting men ? Why do we tolerate this double-minded societal norm ?

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Read Full Story : Half Girl And Half Woman



Preetii Sinha

Assistant professor of obstetric & gynecology Nsg, Write on girls voice are unheard in the society. Author of "Half girl and Half woman" https://geni.us/jJcZwm