Every Indian Train’s General Compartment

6 min readOct 16, 2023


Here I stand, dear reader, right in the midst of the Indian Railway station, where the daily drama unfolds with the timeless announcement that seems to echo from some distant universe: “Yatri gan kripya dhyan de, train no. 54066 Kasganj express platform no. 2 par aa rahi h.”

It feels as though I’ve entered a crowded funfair as I take in the vibrant sight around me. The noises of life can be heard all around the station, from traders shouting “Chai-wale, chai-wale!” to hilarious chants like “Samose, samose! 10 ke 2 samose!” These sellers aren’t only selling munchies; they are also selling sheer elation.

Now, let’s talk about tea, shall we? It’s a bit like the mystery novel that promises a thrilling twist but ends up delivering a plot twist with no plot. The chai here has a talent for being utterly tasteless, a true masterclass in the art of disappointment. You take a sip, and it’s like a magic trick where the flavour disappears faster than a rabbit in a magician’s hat.

And those samosas? Well, they’re the true shape-shifters of the culinary world. Each one seems to have undergone a unique transformation since the last time you tried it. They’re like the chameleons of the snack universe, forever changing their flavours, leaving you to wonder if you’ve just bitten into a samosa or an edible surprise package. It’s a thrilling culinary roulette where you might win a flavour jackpot or discover a taste bud conspiracy.

In the midst of it all, the “masala chane… masala chane” vendor chimes in, his voice carrying the promise of a spicy adventure. It’s as if he’s inviting us to join a culinary expedition with every call.

The platform itself feels like a vibrant marketplace. There’s chai that claims to possess magical healing properties, and masala chane that could put a dragon’s fire-breathing abilities to shame. Amidst the culinary delights, fellow passengers engage in a subtle dance, dodging luggage and offering understanding smiles in the shared chaos.

I can’t help but glance at the station’s clock, an ancient sentinel that stands tall with timeless charm. Its hands seem to move at a pace known only to it, rendering the concept of time an abstract notion. The 10:30 AM train to Mumbai might decide to make a grand entrance fashionably late or early, like an unpredictable artist.

I realise that personal space is a valuable resource as I move about the platform. It’s somewhat like going on a treasure hunt as you look for that little space you can call your own amidst the ebb and flow of the crowd. And if you’re lucky, you might witness the pigeons flying above, appearing to practise an impromptu aerial ballet.

And then, as if on cue, the moment arrived — the grand entrance of the train! The platform transformed into a mad dash worthy of an Olympic sprint. It was like a race where the gold medal was a coveted window seat.

Passengers, each with a determined glint in their eye, leaped forward with the grace of Olympic athletes competing for the last piece of pizza at a party. Bags became the new best friends, and elbows turned into finely tuned instruments for personal space negotiation.

The window seats, those coveted thrones of the train, became the ultimate prize. People lunged, twisted, and contorted in acrobatic feats that would have made circus performers envious. The goal was clear: claim the window seat, and you’d have a front-row view of the world outside, even if it meant adopting yoga poses that hadn’t been invented yet.

In this chaotic ballet of passengers, the phrase “mind the gap” took on a whole new meaning. It wasn’t just about stepping onto the train; it was about conquering it, securing your territory, and defending your window seat like a knight guarding a castle.

Ah, the general compartment, a world within a world, where every passenger is a character straight out of a comedy sketch. It’s like a live-action sitcom, and every seat comes with a front-row view of the madness.

A colourful mix of individuals welcomed me as I walked in, each with their own peculiarities and oddities. Uncle Ji, the compartment’s unofficial DJ, was playing music loud enough to compete with a rock concert on his phone. He was obviously of the opinion that his choice in music was a gift to humanity, and we were all merely fortunate to be his audience.

Then there was Aunty Ji, the snack queen of the general compartment. She had an endless supply of homemade goodies that she offered to everyone, whether you were hungry or not. “Beta, have some more,” she’d insist, as if refusing her snacks was a crime against humanity.

But the real comedy gold lay in the 2 by 2 toilets. If you’ve ever wondered what a toilet from a slapstick comedy movie would look like, this was it. They were like a DIY project gone horribly wrong, a masterpiece of dirt and discomfort. If you dared to enter, you needed a Hazmat suit and nerves of steel.

The toilets were like a survival challenge, complete with obstacles and surprises. Flushing was a game of Russian roulette, and the less said about the sink, the better. It was a place where you learned the art of holding your breath and averting your gaze simultaneously.

Now let me introduce you with the very unique personalities of the general compartment:

The Sleepaholic with Earphones: This passenger treats the train as their personal slumber party. They board, find their seat, and promptly put on their earphones, seemingly believing that a lullaby playlist will drown out the world. No amount of chaos, loud vendors, or Sherlock Holmes-level deductions can disturb their peaceful nap. They’re the envy of everyone trying to catch forty winks.

The Talkative Detective: Ah, yes, Sherlock Holmes has nothing on this passenger. Armed with an insatiable curiosity, they engage fellow travellers in conversations that span from the mundane to the profound. They’re the unofficial crime solvers of the train, deducing life stories from half-baked clues and body language. By the time they reach their destination, they’ve uncovered more mysteries than Arthur Conan Doyle ever imagined.

The Perpetual Commuter Vendor: This enterprising soul has figured out the ultimate travel hack. They board the train early in the morning at one station, turn their seat into a mobile store, and proceed to sell everything from newspapers to samosas, ensuring they empty their stock by evening. Then, like a magician concluding a show, they disembark at their original station, having turned a tidy profit. They’re the train’s unsung heroes of commerce, with a business model that defies conventional logic.

The Weary Parent with the Cry Baby: This passenger boards with a small, determined bundle of joy whose mission is to cry the entire journey. The weary parent, equipped with a diaper bag and endless patience, orchestrates a symphony of soothing attempts. As the journey unfolds, the cry baby’s vocal performance reaches its crescendo, filling the compartment with a sound that’s both challenging and oddly endearing. Passengers, in a strange twist of irony, find themselves offering silent prayers for the baby’s respite while secretly admiring the parent’s unwavering dedication.

Ah, train journeys, where the ordinary and the extraordinary collide in a delightful dance of the unexpected. Every time you board a train, it’s like stepping into a world of mysteries waiting to be unravelled, strange occurrences that leave you scratching your head, and moments so funny they could rival a stand-up comedy show.

I couldn’t help but think about how unpredictable everything was as the train rolled into the station. Every journey was a special blend of the bizarre, the humorous, and the downright surreal, from the chai that tasted like a flavourless potion to the samosas that played culinary roulette, and from the window seat wars to the cacophony of screams and burps.

And yet, as I stepped off the train, I couldn’t help but wear a smile. For these journeys, I had discovered that it was the quirks and eccentricities that made train travel so special. It was a world where the mundane became extraordinary, and the bizarre became the norm.

So, dear reader, the next time you find yourself on a train, be prepared for the unexpected, embrace the strange, and savour the funny moments. For in the world of train journeys, the mysteries are aplenty, and the laughter is never in short supply. It’s a journey that’s as unpredictable as life itself, and that’s what makes it all the more enjoyable.




Hey, I am a writer and an economics student, writing stories and poetries is my passion and through this platform I'm going to share my passion with you all.