Create the Low-Level Design for the Module Based on the Understanding of the Requirement and HLD.

Preeti Samuel
3 min readJun 2, 2023

To create a low-level design (LLD) for a module based on the understanding of the requirement and high-level design (HLD), you need to consider various aspects and provide detailed inputs. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create an LLD:

1. Understand the Requirements:
— Review the requirements documentation and ensure a clear understanding of the module’s purpose, functionality, and constraints.
— Identify the main features, inputs, and outputs of the module.

2. Review the High-Level Design:
— Analyze the HLD to understand the overall architecture and how the module fits into the system.
— Identify the major components and their interactions within the module.
— Consider any design patterns, frameworks, or technologies specified in the HLD.

3. Define the Module’s Inputs and Outputs:
— Identify the specific inputs required for the module to perform its functionality.
— Determine the format, structure, and validation requirements for each input.
— Define the expected outputs that the module will produce.
— Specify the format and structure of the outputs.

4. Design the Module’s Internal Components:
— Identify the key functions or operations the module needs to perform.
— Break down the module into smaller sub-components or modules, if necessary.
— Define the responsibilities and interfaces of each sub-component or module.
— Determine the data structures, algorithms, or methods needed for each sub-component.

5. Determine Data Storage and Persistence:
— Identify the data that needs to be stored by the module.
— Determine the appropriate data storage mechanisms, such as databases, files, or caches.
— Define the schema or structure of the stored data, if applicable.
— Consider any data persistence or caching requirements.

6. Address Error Handling and Exception Handling:
— Identify potential error scenarios and exceptions that may occur during module execution.
— Define appropriate error-handling mechanisms, such as error codes, error messages, or exception handling.
— Specify how the module will handle and report errors or exceptions.

7. Address Performance and Scalability:
— Identify any performance or scalability requirements specified in the HLD.
— Determine the strategies to optimize the module’s performance, such as caching, parallel processing, or efficient algorithms.
— Consider any load balancing or scaling requirements.

8. Define the Module’s Interfaces:
— Specify the module’s external interfaces, including APIs, libraries, or communication protocols.
— Define the input/output formats, data structures, and any necessary validation or transformation requirements.
— Document the expected behavior and usage of each interface.

9. Document Assumptions and Constraints:
— Identify any assumptions or constraints that impact the module’s design or implementation.
— Document these assumptions and constraints to ensure clarity and maintainability.

10. Create Design Artifacts:
— Produce design artifacts, such as UML diagrams, flowcharts, or sequence diagrams, to illustrate the module’s structure, interactions, and data flow.
— Document the LLD in a structured manner, including all the design decisions and rationale.

Remember to iterate and refine the LLD as needed, seeking feedback from stakeholders and considering best practices and coding standards.

