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Design Elements and Principles

Preety Rao
4 min readSep 10, 2021

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” — Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, Inc.

Design is so much more than how it looks. A whole lot of thought and idea goes behind a simple looking design.

Perspective in Design

Objects that are closer to us appears different or bigger than objects far from us. There are different point of perspectives while viewing an object like one point perspective, two point perspective, three point perspective . It happens because of horizon or vanishing points. Vanishing point is the point in the distance where parallel line seems to meet. Two vanishing points are on the horizon and the third one is either above or below the horizon.

rough sketch showing perspective view

Elements of Design

Design includes certain elements such as different shapes, sizes and colors and so much more .These elements are interconnected . It is important to have a proper understanding of these elements to make your design stand out . Space provides room for the users exploration .

let us understand some more elements of design.

The principles of design are the rules a designer must follow to create an effective and attractive composition. It lays the foundation of good design.

Principles work together to create visually appealing and functional designs that make sense to users.

Here are 7 principles to understand and create design in a better way.


Let us understand these principles with help of some compositions

Compositions on Figma

  1. A night has thousand eyes

Principle: Similarity

Element: shape, size, color, space

a night has thousand eyes

2. The missing light

Principle: symmetry, closure, common fate, focal point

Element: shape ,space and color

3.My spirit animal

Principle: closure, focal point, figure ground

Element: color , space and shape

4.Life is a beautiful mess

Principle: Continuation

Element: line and color

5.Yoga for a healthy life

Principle: closure, similarity, symmetry

Element: shape, space, size, color


Compositions on paper

  1. Bird or worm?

Principle: closure, proximity

Element: Lines created with stick on white paper

2. Volcanic eruption

Principle: symmetry, closure

Element: rubber band and aluminum foil on paper

3. Car or dog?

Principle: closure, symmetry, figure ground

Element: thread on paper

4. Fill in the blank

Principle: similarity, focal point

Element: biscuit on paper

5. Who came first chicken or egg?

Principle: closure, proximity

Element: rice on paper

Some other compositions :

Thank you for reading



