The Harvey heroes

The Harvey effect

Preity Bhagia
3 min readSep 1, 2017


It’s been a week since Harvey made its first, disastrous landfall in Rockport, Texas. These 7 days have tied me up in knots and unraveled me at the same time. My emotions, perhaps like all Houstonians, have plummeted and peaked with each turn of unfolding events.

There is anger, frustration and the feeling of powerlessness. There is sorrow and grief over the losses of so many I know and love. There is guilt that we came out of it relatively unscathed, while many others lost everything they owned. There is a deep sense of humility at being reminded of the mighty power of Mother Nature that dwarfs all our petty efforts.

But besides all this there is also a sense of unbelievable relief that our loved ones are safe and sound. There is wonder at mankind’s ability to band together during crisis and bring comfort to each other. And there is tremendous gratitude for being part of a community where people are putting personal trauma aside and extending helping hands to friends and neighbors.

My heart is full because I am reminded that so many people all over the world, some of whom I haven’t seen in decades, care for me and my family so deeply. The bravery and honesty I see in eyes of my children who are facing their first natural disaster in conscious memory, encourages me to stay calm & strong.

Harvey has brought so much devastation in the last few days but it has also brought unparalleled strength of character to the fore. Whether it’s the first responders, the city officials, the cops, the firemen, or just ordinary folks like you and me who braved the storm and ventured out to rescue others — there are extraordinary stories of bravery and courage wherever I look.

The compassionate people of this city are donating more than the donation centers can handle, they are waiting in long lines to serve at shelters, they are cleaning up homes, they are cutting sheetrock and removing debris, they are serving meals, they are driving friends and neighbors around town — they are showing us the true face of love.

Harvey has brought into intense focus our shared humanity and our desire to be support & comfort each other. As the adrenaline high wears off, we will need to work harder to sustain this kindness to each other. Our stamina for solidarity will be put to test. Our altruistic commitments will need to be marathons, not sprints. But I have faith that, together, we will make it. You might call it over-simplification and naïve optimism but I call it confidence in the spirit of Houston. If Harvey has proven one thing it is that Houstonians know how to stand shoulder to shoulder, tall & proud, in the face of adversity that seems unbeatable.

I have never been prouder of my adopted hometown where people are demolishing barriers of race, religion, economic differences as they work together to rebuild this great city, piece by piece.

Let’s show them how it’s done, Houston!

