How Great Office Design Increases Employee Productivity

Work should never feel like a burden. According to recent statistics, a lot of employees are not engaged to their jobs, resulting to work feeling more difficult to accomplish and good productivity impossible to attain. Aside from excessive workload and improper time management, work engagement is non-existent because of an office design that lacks features that boost good mood, comfort, and work motivation.

So turn the employees’ office space into a hub that increases people’s productivity by improving the office layout and design!

Below are some of the office design factors an office administration should consider when reinventing a workplace with a furniture fit out in the Philippines.

Space and movement

An office that has an open layout but has enough enclosed areas for meetings and relaxation is ideal to keep employees driven. This is to ensure that there are ample opportunities for collaboration, socialization, and even much-needed private moments. Employees also need to have more than one place to work from so desks, chairs, and loungers should be well-distributed across the space. Getting them a mesh furniture courtesy of a fit out is an added bonus!

Offices should avoid having employees sit all day. Instead, encourage healthy office movement such as standing and walking. According to the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition of Stanford University, changing one’s environment keeps the mind alert for fresh ideas. With an office design that is spacious but has a balanced amount of partitions and other essential different spaces, an employee will be more stimulated to get up, roam around, and be exposed to new ideas he could in his tasks.


While some employees don’t mind, too much noise can greatly affect certain employees in the office. It starts as a distraction and eventually becomes a mood killer that disrupts the flow of productivity. With this, offices should try to regulate how noise goes around in the office like setting the volume of the music depending on the department and investing on acoustics to minimize chatter and activity noise. Noise-cancelling headphones are also helpful, as well as soundproofed rooms.


Who would want to work in a dimly-lit or darkened office? Doing so only depresses the atmosphere and dulls the senses of any employee. To solve decline of productivity caused by a gloomy office space, offices should find ways to let natural light come in. According to a study from Northwestern University in Chicago, natural light has positive effects to an employee’s way of life. Large windows, skylights, and open areas like a veranda should let the sun shine in, literally and figuratively.

Aside from lighting, offices should try and reduce the usage of walls. Employees should not feel caged in. Make them feel connected both in the bowels of the office and outside world by incorporating the natural beauty of the outside rather than just relying on artworks or other forms of creative design.

Health, wellness, and eco-friendliness

An employee’s health can affect his work. Calming scents like chamomile can help relieve stress, as well as making healthy food available in the pantry. Implementing green solutions around the office will also help employees feel lighter, healthier, and happier. Placing greenery in fit out side and center tables, using less paper, and maximizing machines that are energy efficient should some of the solutions an office can try.

Aside from going green, other means for reinvigoration such as organizing, removing clutter, and providing office laminated lockers for storage will aid the mind to work better.

Sometimes, even with the right solutions, productivity slump can’t be avoided. Offices can help employees by building places meant for mental and physical relaxation, fighting stress and making employees love their workplace.

Employees are significant to keep the ball rolling for a company. Make them enjoy their work by creating an office layout that decreases stress but prompts productivity!

Ellcad Fit Out Contractor Philippines

B3 L3 Promenade South, Salawag, Dasmariñas, 4114 Cavite




Ellcad Premiere Construction Corporation

Ellcad Premiere is a one-stop fit out contractor in the Philippines which provides quality office fit out construction and office furniture supply.