5 Common Problems with Improper Roof Coating & Ways to Deal With

Habibullah Naderi
3 min readApr 13, 2018


A data say that the cost of construction of roof accounts to approximately one-tenth the price of the total development. However, even after investing a considerable part of the overall expenditure, most of the problems associated with the buildings are because of the ‘roof’. The construction world considers the roof as one of the crucial components of a building that bears the largest sufferings. Even though the role of the roof is inevitable, it sometimes stays neglected.

Roof coating is used to protect the roof from any structural damage. It is a vital aspect of the repair, restoration and safeguarding the roof when it comes to maintaining it for an extended period. The process of roof coating has to be perfect to make sure that it does not give rise to future problems. However, ignoring the ‘things to be considered’ during roof coating might land you in some of the common major issues. To know more about the common problems because of the improper ways of roof coating, read below-

  1. Choosing the Poor Product

Thinking that all the roof coating products are the same and choosing any one of them from the market is going to solve the purpose can make you land in trouble. Going with the inferior quality of the roof coating product is going to add to your recurring expenditure when it comes to building maintenance. Apart from this, despite investing a certain sum for your roof coating in Fremantle, you will not get the desired result.

  1. Choosing the Wrong Kind of Product

Some of the roof coating products provide protection against the leakages while the others against the sun. Therefore, misinterpreting any of the products for the other is a major fault. Also, applying the coating without surface restoration is never going to be fruitful.

  1. Formation of Blisters

Blisters are common with the roof covering especially when the surface has moisture trapped underneath the coating. This problem arises in cases where the roof has been extensively leaking for a comprehensive period. What is needed for such moisture soaked walls is that before the coating is applied, the experts must ensure all the moisture content on the surface is removed. Plus, ensuring that when the coating is done the surface is entirely dry will reduce the chances of blister formation.

  1. Cases of Delamination

This issue associated with the coating happens when the surface has dirt, dust, moisture, or the old layer of paint. Experts say that for all sorts of domestic painting in Midland, it is essential to have the proper surface preparation for an everlasting finish. Lack of this will undoubtedly lead to the peeling off the surface coating or layer of paint.

  1. Improper working Temperature

The temperature also plays a crucial role towards ensuring the durability of the roof coating. Too high or too cold temperature is never favourable for it. Coating in the scorching heat or chilly winter causes problems related to the quality of the finished jobs or the cure times.


It is, therefore, needed to keep in mind the essential things before proceeding with the surface coating. For an impeccable and long-lasting finish, it is essential to ensure that the surface to be coated is thoroughly prepared after keeping all the governing factors in mind.

