How to select Baby Boy Names

Premina Parker
5 min readJan 16, 2020


Scientists at the University of California conducted a study where they interviewed more than 450 students with both original and often common names to understand whether the choice of a name affected the fate of a person. So, students admitted that the owners of strange and funny names were four times more likely to suffer from neurosis and were predisposed to the development of complexes. Such people often develop defensive skills. They are less likely to trust others. This is mainly reflected in the stronger sex. Therefore, choosing the right name for your son is very important and even fateful.

So what principles should be followed for a son to grow up happy, successful, and lucky?

First name and last name combination

If a girl can marry and change her last name, then the boy will be given his full name for life. Therefore, the choice of a name for the heir must be approached with great care. Parapsychologists assure that as early as 7–8 months of pregnancy, you can “try” your favorite titles by ear, say a list, they say, if the baby likes the name, he will feel it at the vibration level and let him know. But this method is more likely for those who believe in it. Linguists give a few tips: a long name is best suited for a short surname, and the short name is consonant with a long one. For example, Ivan Alekseevich or Alexey Ilyich. For ease of pronunciation, you need to remember about sound harmony: the first letter of the middle name is a vowel, the last letter of the name must be consonant, and vice versa. For example, Nikita Sergeevich, not Nikita Alexandrovich. The accumulation of consonants at the junction of the name and surname, as well as the repetitions of the same consonants, the tongue will “stumble” every time you pronounce it sounds dissonant. Artem Rolandovich, Ruslan Valerevich. The ideal option, when the stress in both name and surname will fall on the same syllable, it is easier to pronounce. For example, Sergey Andreevich, Anton Sergeevich.

The perfect combination of name and surname for men

Alexandrovich Alexey, Artem, Andrey, Mikhail, Victor, Peter, Pavel

Alekseevich Bronislav, Bogdan, Rodion, Oscar, Dmitry

Anatolyevich Vasily, Valery, Valentine, Victor, Ignat, Gregory

Andreevichi Vitaliy, Vadim, Ruslan, Denis, Nikolay, Stanislav

Antonovich Oleg, Sergey, Vitaliy, Yuri, Sergey

Vladimirovich Michael, Innocent, Ostap, Nazar, Joseph, Edward

Vyacheslavovichi Alexey, Taras, Alexander, Timothy, Miron

Danilovichi Eugene, Yakov, Konstantin, Bogdan

Dmitrievichi Eugene, Boris, Andrey, Savely

Evgenievich Dmitry, Mikhail, Daniel, Sergey

Ivanovich Anatoly, Gregory, Nikolai, Alexey, Boris

Igorevichi Maxim, Mikhail, Matvey, Peter, Oleg

Ilyich Andrey, Boris, Vadim, Alexey, Vladimir, Timofey

Kirillovichi Valentine, Oleg, Roman, Bogdan, Pavel, Rodion

In honor of dad, but diminutive

Name a son in honor of the pope is noble, but psychologists do not advise doing this. Subconsciously, the authority of the father and his potential expressed or unrealized, will always press on the growing heir. If the father is successful, the guy will strive to correspond with him all his life. And if it does not work out, it will entail complexes. If the father did not achieve much in life, then looking back at the less successful namesake, the father will slow down the leader. Also, the same family names psycho energetically weaken both the son and the father. But if you still decide to name the child in honor of the pope, then choose another diminutive name. So you identify the baby as a separate person and avoid confusion in the family.

Do not call a female-male name

Psychologists do not recommend calling a son a female-male name (Valya, Zhenya. Sasha), especially if you have an unswerving surname. It will create internal discomfort for the younger heir when each time he will have to explain to others what gender he is. Plus, it would help if you did not name the child a too original name; it is a great temptation for others to come up with offensive nicknames. At a transitional age, when all feelings are aggravated, the boy may eventually hate his name.

Remember the sound

Psychologists are sure that a “hard” or “soft” name can add missing features to a baby’s personality. If you need your baby to grow up a leader, confident, purposeful, it is advisable to use the sound “p” and “p” in the name. Names with the music “l,” “m,” n “are a sign that their carrier has a soft and kind character. But! Those or other qualities can be mitigated, neutralized if there are too many owners of one name — in the classroom, in the kindergarten, in the team. Hence the life hack: when recording a child in the registry office, specify how many children with a name like your son were registered with them this year? They may then all meet in the same class. A 30 Igor-leaders, no school will not pull.

How to choose the name of the son according to the calendar

The more modern fathers and mothers turn their heads towards the church, the more familiar it becomes the trend to choose a name according to the holy calendar . It is believed that a saint in honor of whom the baby is called will protect and protect him for his whole life. Moreover, church laws are softer now. The saints are allowed to call the child by the name of the saint, whose memory will be celebrated on the 8th and 40th day after his birth. And not just on a specific birthday. Besides, today saints are used more and more by month rather than by day.

By the way, parents may be surprised that in the calendar, some names of boys on the church calendar are repeated in different months. It does not mean that a given name has one patron on different dates. For example, in December, the day of the Angel is celebrated by Alexander, his patron is the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, and Alexander, born in April, has his heavenly patron — the Monk Alexander Svirsky. Your child’s name day will be constant, no matter what year it is.



Premina Parker

From Australia, Co-Founder & CEO at Gen Baby Carrier & - Lecturer | Medium Top Writer | Counsellor in Parenting