
Premika Manikandan
5 min readJun 2, 2024


Imagining the power of Midjourney’s AI-driven creativity in the palm of our hands.

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a leading AI tool that transforms text into stunning visuals. It has revolutionized how we create and visualize concepts, bringing imagination to life through artificial intelligence. Currently, users access Midjourney through Discord, a popular communication platform. While Discord is versatile, it wasn’t designed specifically for creative workflows.

Challenges with Discord

When I first joined the Midjourney server, there were too many channels. I wasn’t aware of what #newbies-127 (and similar) channels meant.

My first impressions:

  1. There were too many things happening (as there were multiple channels)
  2. I wasn’t sure which channel to click even though I landed in the #getting-started channel

How might we

Design a dedicated mobile app that simplifies user interactions and enhances accessibility, enabling Midjourney to grow their user base ten times?


Enabling Midjourney to grow their user base by 10x.


Some features that were assumed to be a part of version 1 for the app are:

  1. creating prompts
  2. blending 2 or more images to generate a prompt
  3. describe a prompt from images
  4. preview other users’ generated images


I don’t believe in a linear process — that is never the case. There were multiple iterations, several user flows that I thought through and collected feedbacks from my mentors and peers.

My Process — not a linear one

User Flows

The user flow was designed in a way that I ensure a seamless onboarding experience to the firs time users.

User Flows



Visual Design


When I first explored Midjourney on Discord, I found it challenging to understand the features it offered. After research, I decided to create a seamless onboarding experience for both new users and power users (those who are very familiar with Midjourney).

Initially, I started designing 2 different user experiences — one for first time users and one for power users (users who are very much into Midjourney). While iterating and testing, there felt a slight friction because I wanted to show 2 different onboarding experiences based on the question whether they are new users or not. Thus, I simplified making it to 1 unique experience.


As users onboard, they arrive at a page where they can view a feed of various AI-generated images from different Midjourney users.

Experimenting and getting hands-on with a product is always beneficial. To increase the user base, offering the freedom to explore 10 different prompts for free would encourage users to engage with the app.

Detailed Information about the AI generated images

The hero of the app is the images that are being generated by several prompts. In the first iteration, the real-estate of the image is too small and there will be an issue with respect to scalability.

The final design contains edge to edge images, allowing users to consume the generated image.

Experimenting with Prompts

While designing the app for the first time, I wanted to create an experience as similar as to how Midjourney worked in Discord i.e., how users type slash (/) to start a prompt.

On researching, I realised “/” is used by the Discord community as there will be multiple commands from many servers.

I wanted to incorporate a normal typing experience, where on typing, Midjourney understands that an image should be generated. If the user uploads 1 image, then Midjourney will be able to understand that its a /describe prompt. If the user uploads 2 or more images, then it will be /blend.

I’ve introduced styles feature which will allow users to set aspect ratio, variations and high resolution. 1:1 button did not look like a button, hence incorporated it inside styles.

Power Users — Discord Import

For the users who have been using Midjourney via Discord, we allow them to import their past prompts with images.


Future Use Case

Some of the future use cases that I would like to incorporate are:

  1. Communities — allowing users to jam with other people, ask FAQs
  2. Follow other users to collaborate (use case: A user named X, might like the prompts created by another user Y)

If you’re all the way down here, then thank you for reading 😄
I hope you liked how my brain processes 🧠

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Premika Manikandan

Product Designer during the day, illustrator at night ✨ | Design @Gallabox | Prev @madstreetden @spacekayak