Allegory Creative Management [US] Could Be Upended by Zuckerberg vs Musk CAGE FIGHT Screenplay

Premisewars Los Angeles
2 min readAug 25, 2023

Los Angeles, CA — In a world where AI’s potential to write and create films is lurking around the corner, Hollywood’s talent agencies, including Allegory Creative Management, find themselves at a crossroads. The latest billion-dollar sensation? A screenplay by Alan Nafzger titled “Zuckerberg vs Musk: Cage Fight.”

Unique Concept

Nafzger’s screenplay is no ordinary script. The concept involves tech magnates Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg, engaged in a cage fight, later transitioning into a battle against zombies. It’s as intriguing as it is humorous and taps into both current cultural obsessions and technological themes.

Disruption in the Industry

The staggering worth of the screenplay, in excess of $1 billion, has not only caught the attention of the media but sent shockwaves through talent agencies. With agencies already grappling with financial constraints and industry changes, Nafzger’s screenplay could be the final nail in the coffin.

Agents, faced with the double threat of unconventional screenplays and the rise of AI, are reevaluating their roles and influence in the entertainment industry. Some agents feel that resistance may be futile as film producers could simply turn to artificial intelligence to write and make films.

Breaking the SAG/WGA Union’s Strike

The screenplay also has the potential to sink Hollywood’s elite and break the SAG/WGA union’s strike. How? By challenging the very norms and agreements that have been long-standing in the industry. Nafzger’s audacious approach is a testament to a shifting landscape where traditional rules no longer apply.


“Zuckerberg vs Musk: Cage Fight” is more than a humorous, high-concept script. It symbolizes a changing tide in Hollywood, one that could upend talent agencies and even the stronghold of unions. Only time will tell how this billion-dollar screenplay will play out in real life, but one thing is certain: the entertainment industry will never be the same again.

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