Getting Started with Playwright: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Premnath M
2 min readNov 1, 2023

Are you looking to level up your web automation and testing game? Look no further than Playwright! Playwright is an open-source Node.js library that provides a powerful, versatile, and reliable way to automate browser interactions and test web applications. Whether you’re a seasoned QA engineer, a developer, or just someone curious about web automation, this Playwright tutorial will help you get started on your journey.

What is Playwright?

Playwright is a tool that enables you to script interactions with web pages in multiple browsers, including Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit. What sets Playwright apart from other automation frameworks is its cross-browser support, ease of use, and an extensive set of features. You can write your scripts in JavaScript or TypeScript, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

Why Use Playwright?

  1. Cross-Browser Support: With Playwright, you can test your web applications on multiple browsers without the need for separate scripts. This is a game-changer for ensuring consistent functionality across different browsers.
  2. Rich Set of Features: Playwright offers powerful automation capabilities, including browser automation, page interaction, network interception, and more.
  3. Headless and Headful Mode: You can run your tests headlessly (without a visible browser) for speed, or in headful mode to see what’s happening in the browser during the test execution.
  4. Synchronization and Wait Handling: Playwright provides mechanisms for handling waits and synchronizing actions, making your tests more reliable.

Getting Started

Ready to dive in? Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started with Playwright:

  1. Installation: Start by installing Playwright via npm. You can use it globally or as a project dependency.
  2. Setting Up Your First Script: Create a basic Playwright script that launches a browser, navigates to a webpage, and performs some interactions.
  3. Assertions and Testing: Learn how to write assertions to verify the behavior of your web application. Playwright supports various assertion libraries.
  4. Parameterization and Test Suites: Organize your tests into suites and parameterize them for more efficient testing.
  5. Running Tests: Discover how to run your Playwright tests locally and, if you choose, integrate them into your continuous integration (CI) pipeline.
  6. Advanced Features: Explore more advanced features, such as handling file uploads, testing with multiple browsers, and network request interception.


Playwright is a versatile and powerful tool for web automation and testing. With its cross-browser support and rich feature set, it’s a valuable addition to any tester’s or developer’s toolkit. This tutorial is just the beginning of your journey with Playwright, so stay tuned for more in-depth tutorials and tips.

Are you excited to get started with Playwright? Let’s embark on this journey together, exploring the capabilities of this fantastic tool and mastering web automation. Stay tuned for more tutorials and in-depth guides on Playwright!

Happy testing!



Premnath M

I am Senior Product Architect at DCKAP QA Touch, SAAS Product Specialist, Full Stack Developer in DCKAP, experience in building enterprise-scale solutions.