The Importance of Shapes in Branding and Marketing

Here is a short introduction to the different shapes that companies and brands use in their design systems.

Patricia Renicker
2 min readOct 20, 2019

At first thought, one may think shapes aren’t necessary to think about when branding or marketing themselves. However, shapes are just as important as the message being told. Everything incorporated within the design scheme of a brand helps tell the company’s story to a consumer.

When looking at brands consumers enjoy daily, like Starbucks, Apple or Target, those brand’s logos probably come to mind. People tend to remember shapes, and associate shapes with certain emotions and expressions.

“Just like fonts and colors, shapes are an important aspect of design, capable of symbolizing ideas, expressing moods, and leading the eye.”

Geometric Shapes

These are the most commonly used shapes that people consume everyday whether it be in a brand, a road sign or in our homes. However, when considering it in the marketing realm, businesses choose shapes very wisely.

Each geometric shape has different meaning and purpose when portraying a company. For example, a business like a bank or online business may use rectangles and squares to appear sturdy and reliable.

“Geometric logos emphasize logic, rationality, efficiency, and exclusivity. They have been adopted by tech companies like Google as well as luxury companies like Givenchy.”

Organic Shapes

These are any shapes that can be found in nature, like trees, leaves and animals. They are often used for marketing organic foods and fresh products or to create a sense of balance.

“They often bring the feeling of refreshment and unity with the natural environment.”

Abstract Shapes

These are shapes that are usually representations of real things, often used in icons. Abstract shapes are usually outlines of organic shapes. For example, the stick-like figures we see in crosswalk signs or an outline of a camera icon used to indicate pictures or photography.

“An abstract logo cleverly represents some part of your company in an artistic way.”

Choosing Shapes

As stated above, there are three major types of shapes used in design. Depending on how a business wants to be percieved depends on what shapes they should use. This youtube video further explains shapes used in branding and logo design, which could be very helpful when branding and marketing for a company.


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