Know Why Blockchain Technology is Byzantine Fault Tolerant: Consensus Algorithm!

What is Byzantine Fault? How is Blockchain BF Tolerant? If you don’t know, now you know about this essential design feature of any decentralized system. Explained in a simple way that a middle schooler would understand.

Prerana Kulkarni
Blockchain Biz


Photo by Raimond Klavins on Unsplash

The term ‘Byzantine Fault’ or ‘Byzantine Generals’ problem’ is taken from the allegory ‘Byzantine Generals Problem’. The story refers to the Byzantine Empire, a long last chapter in History.

What is Byzantine Generals’ Problem?

Imagine a fortress surrounded by Byzantine generals. They are geographically separated and can communicate only through messages. They can either pull back or charge. All the generals must agree on either attacking or pulling back. Any tepid attack by a few generals would worsen the situation than either a coordinated attack or retreat. The complexity increases as traitors create chaos to stop the generals from reaching an agreement.

A Byzantine fault or a Byzantine General’s Problem is a condition typically seen in a distributed computing system, where one or more components fail or exhibit inconsistent behavior by sending conflicting information to…



Prerana Kulkarni
Blockchain Biz

Write about Blockchain Technology, AI/ Robotics, Food & Nutrition. Enjoys penning life's little moments which are funny, inpspring or thought provoking,