A Misfitter’s Perspective: Unconventional Insights into UPSC Preparation

3 min readJun 23, 2024


We all have pivotal moments that redefine our paths and perspectives. For Lord Buddha, it was witnessing the profound sufferings and mortality of humanity that steered his spiritual awakening. In a similar vein, my transformative encounter with the Misfits group and Naman Sir reshaped my journey, sparking a deep and enduring passion within me.

Initially embarking on the UPSC path after obtaining an engineering degree and a stint as an analyst at Aditya Birla Capital Ltd., I faced a significant personal setback that prompted me to pause and reassess my life’s direction. This introspection led me to the esteemed Vajiram and Ravi institute, laying the groundwork for my preparation. However, it was not until February, when I joined Misfits, that I truly understood the meaning of a learning community.

Misfits, guided by the insightful and charismatic Naman Sir, was more than just an educational endeavor; it was a vibrant and supportive community. From day one, as we shared our backgrounds and aspirations, I felt an immediate connection. Naman Bhaiya, as we affectionately called him, was not merely an instructor but a mentor who nurtured our academic prowess while attending to our mental well-being. He taught us to approach our studies with a critical and inquisitive mind, ensuring that our discussions were inclusive and that every question was valued.

Our exploration of history, a subject I had once viewed with indifference, became a captivating adventure under Naman Bhaiya's guidance. We delved into the storied past of ancient civilizations like the Cholas, whose naval dominance and diplomatic strategies mirrored the complexities of modern geopolitics. The medieval era, particularly discussions on the Delhi Sultanate and the strategic military maneuvers of the time, further enriched my appreciation for history. A peer’s heartfelt recounting of Shivaji Maharaj’s exploits during one of our sessions brought history to life in an unforgettable way.

The academic journey with Misfits was marked by its immersive approach. We tackled geography amid the real-time effects of El Niño, experiencing firsthand the atmospheric changes and geological phenomena like the Pacific Ring of Fire. Naman Bhaiya’s method was experiential; he encouraged us to feel and witness the environmental dynamics, transforming our theoretical knowledge into tangible experiences.

Economics and polity, areas where Naman Bhaiya particularly excelled, were thoroughly explored. We analyzed contrasting economies, discerning economic policies through the lens of real-world implications, such as inflation in Zimbabwe and banking practices in various countries. Our study of polity was timed with global electoral events, providing a contemporary context that enriched our understanding of governance and policy-making.

Throughout this rigorous academic pursuit, there were inevitable moments of self-doubt and setbacks. There were times I missed classes or withdrew from discussions due to anxiety or fear. However, Naman Bhaiya was always there, a constant presence ready to guide, encourage, and uplift us. His support went beyond the classroom; he was a mentor and a brother, guiding us through the myriad challenges of this daunting journey.

Reflecting on the last one and a half years with Misfits, I realize how profoundly I have grown. The knowledge gained is just one facet; more importantly, I have developed confidence in my abilities to engage thoughtfully and assertively in discussions with peers and family. This journey has not only prepared me academically but has also been a crucible for personal development, shaping me into a more articulate, thoughtful individual ready to contribute meaningfully to society.

In essence, what Naman Bhaiya and Misfits provided was not merely academic knowledge but a holistic educational experience that cultivated my personal and intellectual growth. This foundation has not only prepared me for the UPSC exams but has also equipped me to aspire to and assume roles where I can effect positive change, embodying the qualities of an informed citizen and a capable leader.

