What are the applications of artificial intelligence in drug discovery & development?

1 min readAug 23, 2018

The overarching question that PreScouter addresses in this intelligence brief is: what are the applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in drug discovery and development, and can we make this process more efficient using AI?

Report highlights:

  • The use of AI in the pharmaceutical industry is projected to bring in billions of dollars in funding in the near future, underlying the huge potential for growth in this specific sector.
  • AI has the potential to transform the drug development process making it both more efficient and more effective, thus benefiting all parties involved — from the companies developing new drugs to the patients in desperate need of viable treatments.
  • Six startups providing an AI solution applicable during a particular research phase of the drug discovery & development process are highlighted as follows:
  1. Generating novel drug candidates: Atomwise, TwoXar, ReviveMed
  2. Understanding disease mechanisms: Phenomics AI, Structura Biotechnology
  3. Aggregating and synthesizing information: Arpeggio Biosciences

View the full report here.




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