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Getting Python Shell To Work on Git Bash — Windows, Mac, Linux.

Do you prefer working with Git Bash for Python and don’t fancy using CMD and Powershell? This short post is for you.


Getting Python IDLE to work on Git Bash might be a problem. Typing python into CMD or Powershell will activate the Python shell on Windows, doing the same on Git Bash just doesn’t work. It simply returns you a blank line that does nothing.

To solve this, simply type in winpty python in Git Bash or you can also type python -i Both of these commands will activate the Python shell.

One thing to note is this; If you use winpty python you can exit the IDLE using CTRL + Z or exit() . But with python -i exiting with CTRL + Z will not work. Only using exit() will.

Have a great day!



Presh Onyee
Presh Onyee

Written by Presh Onyee

User Experience Designer sharing random thoughts on creativity and product design.

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