How to own your first .evmos domain name

precious fibbz
3 min readAug 29, 2022


Hey guys, I posted this on my twitter but i decided to bring it here too.

Step-by-Step Guide:

I want to take y’all through a quick guide on using @EvmosDomains to get your .evmos name up and running.

Step 1: Open your metamask-enabled browser (This can be Chrome, Brave, or Firefox with the extension Meta mask )

Step 2: Navigate to the Evmos Domains app In your browser, go to Step 3: Search for your desired .evmos Name If the name is already registered by someone else, you will see a page with information about the name’s Evmos Domains records, like this:

If the name is available, you will see a page asking you for how long you’d like to register the name, like this:

Step 4: Select time interval Use the “-” and “+” buttons to select for how many years you’d like to pay the annual fee initially (must be atleast one year) Note: You must have enough EVMOS in your wallet to pay the full cost of registration depending on the number of letters.

Step 5: Start the registration process Click the blue “Request To Register” button on the bottom right. A box should pop up from MetaMask asking you to confirm the transaction. Click the “Confirm” button to confirm it.

Step 6: Wait Warning!!!: Do not close your browser during this process! Transaction goes through 3 stages as shown below:

Step 7: Finish registration Once your wait time is over, orange text will appear that says “Click register to move to the 3rd step.” Click the blue next to it that says “Register.” …and you’re done! You are now the proud owner of a new .evmos name!

Once you set your reverse record, you can see it in dapps across the Evmos ecosystem, like OrbitalApes, Diffusion, Cronus, and Orbit Market! Now you know how to register your .evmos name, hurry before all top chars are taken!

while at it, you can go through this my twitter thread on linking your .evmos name to IPFS. In shorts, IPFS is a way of storing your files on a blockchain, to be retrieved at any time.

