Presiam June UpdateThe past two weeks have really developed into some very exciting milestones. We now have the APP wire-framed and the next APK release now…Jun 6, 2018Jun 6, 2018
Earning Revenue With PresiamWe wanted to write a short post that outlines exactly how users will make money with Presiam as well as how much money users could…May 12, 2018May 12, 2018
Presiam Social App UpdateJust wanted to give you all an update on the Presiam App. We’ve done a little Android screen share video to show you the app and the…May 11, 2018May 11, 2018
People Do Not Trust FacebookIn a recent poll conducted by Recode, Facebook was found to be the least trusted major tech company. The findings were discussed in the…Apr 23, 2018Apr 23, 2018
Presiam Revenue SharingBy the end of 2017, digital advertising accounted for about $83 billion of revenue, with tech giants like Google taking the lions share…Apr 19, 2018Apr 19, 2018
Presiam Presents at New Tech PDXOn April 16th, Presiam presented the Presiam Social Community Blockchain Project at the New Tech PDX event held in Portland, Oregon.Apr 18, 2018Apr 18, 2018
Presiam Takes On Fake NewsIn the wake of all the reports about fake accounts on Facebook sending out fake news, we want to take a minute to share how Presiam is…Apr 14, 2018Apr 14, 2018
Presiam Team Prepares for New Tech PDXPresiam preparing for Monday’s New Tech PDX presentation. Say hi team! Zach Peterson, Michael Allen, Jessica Abel and Tom Boyle!Apr 14, 2018Apr 14, 2018
Presiam Releases Whitepaper and Pitch DeckPresiam Project Positioned to Create a Major Shift in the Social Media LandscapeApr 8, 2018Apr 8, 2018
Why Private BlockchainHi Everyone, over the last few days during our first Airdrop we received a lot of questions regarding the Presiam blockchain so I wanted to…Apr 4, 2018Apr 4, 2018