Product Experience: A Vital Part of Brand Experience

Presi J
4 min readAug 16, 2023


In the ever-evolving world of brand marketing, fostering unwavering loyalty in the hearts of consumers has become an increasingly challenging endeavour. With over 70% of consumers acknowledging that their loyalty to a brand is inherently tied to the product itself, the significance of product experience in the customer journey has never been more apparent. As brands strive to create seamless buying journeys, both online and in-person, product experience emerges as a key driver to encourage more shopping and deeper emotional connections.

What is Product Experience?

Product experience extends beyond the mere availability of goods; it encompasses every customer interaction before, during, and after their purchase. The emotions evoked during interactions with products are paramount and warrant attention. Three defining aspects encapsulate product experience:

1. Product Aesthetics: The captivating appearance and physical design of the product play a pivotal role in shaping the customer’s perception.

2. Functionality: A product’s ability to address challenges, pain points, and fulfil customer desires is instrumental in shaping their overall experience.

3. Emotions: The feelings elicited when customers interact with the product significantly influence their overall satisfaction and loyalty.

This profound connection between customers and products influences repeat sales and customer retention, making it a critical element for organizational growth.

Distinguishing Product Experience from User Experience:

To truly grasp the essence of product experience, it is essential to discern the distinction between product experience and user experience. User experience is often tied to the digital realm, specifically within the software industry. It centres on the consumer’s encounter with digital products and the support provided throughout the usage period.

In contrast, product experience encompasses both in-person and online customer interactions with a product. From the initial encounter to post-purchase engagement, product experience is an interconnected journey that merges seamlessly with user experience.

Driving Meaningful Product Experiences:

With the growing prevalence of online product purchases, brands must explore innovative ways to enhance product experiences. Engaging content showcasing how to shop on websites or social media platforms, along with 3D product views that emulate an in-person experience, can create lasting impressions on customers.

To foster a lasting impact on consumers, brands must prioritize customer retention and consistent repurchasing throughout the entire product journey. User research serves as a vital tool in understanding customer needs, informing product design decisions, and ultimately creating better experiences.

Clear and consistent user interface designs, streamlined onboarding processes, top-notch functionality, and product accessibility are all essential factors that contribute to an unparalleled product experience.

The Teams involved in Product Experience

Product experience is not for the product design team alone. There are different teams involved in it, and they are:

  • Product Design team: They design the product and the user experience.
  • Marketing team: The marketing team drives attention to the product for people to experience it through the use of the right visual, audio and audio-visual content.
  • Sales teams: They communicate the importance of the product to prospects for them to become customers and experience it.
  • Customer Service team: The customer service support team provides support to the users throughout the purchase and post-purchase phase.
Teams involved in Product Experience

Embracing Consistency for Exceptional Product Experiences:

In today’s multi-channel world, consistency becomes a driving force in delivering exceptional product experiences. When customers encounter the same brand assets across various touchpoints, their perception of the product aligns with the intended brand promise.

Adopting a customer-centric approach and consistently delivering on brand promises can significantly enhance product experiences and lead to a loyal base of satisfied customers.

As the marketing landscape evolves, the importance of product experience in fostering customer loyalty cannot be overstated. By prioritizing the emotional connection between customers and products, brands can create powerful experiences that resonate deeply. From user research to design clarity, personalization, and accessibility, every aspect of the product journey contributes to lasting customer retention and satisfaction.

Let us embark on this journey together, crafting unforgettable product experiences that captivate hearts, inspire loyalty and fuel brand growth.

If you’re looking to build the right product experience or customer journey and you want your customers to have a great experience with your product, head on to to get started.



Presi J

Presi J is an experience management firm helping brands leverage data, managing customer, employee, product, and brand experiences.