May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears

Patty Murray
2 min readOct 24, 2017


Since Lamar Alexander and I rolled out our bipartisan health care bill and I’ve seen Republicans grapple with whether or not to support it, I’ve been reminded of that great quote from Nelson Mandela:

“May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.”

Many Republicans have spent years making decisions based on fears, not hopes. Fear of the Tea Party challenging them in a primary. Fear of President Trump attacking them on Twitter. Fear of being attacked for working on anything that President Obama had a hand in building — even if it was to improve it. And I could go on.

But I am hoping that there are enough Republicans who are willing to turn the page on those fears, and start making choices based on their hopes. Because this is what I hear from my constituents, and I am confident that it’s what Republicans hear from theirs. The hope that Congress can actually work together to move our country forward, not just play political games or move us backward. The hope that we can make health care more affordable and accessible, and not just dwell in past fights. The hope for a country that can come together in shared purpose, not one pulled apart by fears.

It won’t be easy — fear is a powerful force, and there are some people in government right now who are experts at exploiting it. But I am hopeful and confident that enough Republicans will listen to the families they represent and allow their choices on this health care bill to be guided by their hopes, not their fears. I’ll keep making the case, and I hope you will be with me!

– Patty

