Deepa Sood
2 min readApr 21, 2020



Today was 4:20 – National Cannabis Day – a day inspite of Covid 19 – was a celebration of how far this industry has evolved.

In San Francisco, there was supposed to be a large festival but, of course, that didn’t happen.

Instead – thousands of people took to Zoom, Instagram live and other online hangouts to celebrate together however they could.

There’s various folklore and mythology around why 4:20 has become a thing.

Some people think the date/numerology comes from Bob Marley. Police reports. Bills in congress. The Grateful Dead.

The real story is pretty cool and elegantly simple: A couple kids in a California high school decided to hang out at 4:20 and smoke weed.

Why 4:20?

My first thought was, well, that’s when school gets out. And that is in part true, but it also involves a treasure map and industrious teenagers being incredibly focused on important things – namely, following the treasure map for days on end at 4:20 in the attempt to find a talked-about plot of land and get high.

The treasure map makes me smile because there is something magical and vigilante about cannabis. But there is something even bigger here – a certain ubiquitous beauty in the real story.

This day of memorializing comes from kids doing what kids do. And what adults now do. And what grandparents now do. And what great-grandparents now do.

In these uncertain times, there is a reason cannabis has been deemed “essential.”

  • It helps people.
  • It helps people medicinally.
  • It helps people socially.
  • It helps people have treasure in their lives!

And now, as we as a community work to de-stigmatize this entire industry, it will help people with so much more.

Education. Jobs. Industry-wide opportunity. Economic prosperity.

As we celebrate 420 in isolation, we need to look forward and see how this, like everything else, is so much bigger than us.

So raise a joint!

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