What Should Go in a Press Release Boilerplate: A Comprehensive Guide

Presscore Blog
3 min readJul 2, 2023


examples of press release boilerplates and how to write them

In the world of public relations, a press release is a powerful tool to communicate important news and announcements about a business or organization. While the main body of the press release captures the attention of journalists and readers, the boilerplate serves as a standard section that provides essential information about the company. In this article, we will explore what should go in a press release boilerplate and provide two formatting examples to help you create an effective boilerplate for your press releases.

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The boilerplate, also known as the “About Us” section, is typically placed at the end of a press release. It offers a concise and standardized overview of the company, including its background, mission, products or services, and contact information. Here are the key elements that should be included in a press release boilerplate:

1. Company Name: Begin the boilerplate with the official name of your company. Make sure it is clear and consistent with the name used throughout the press release.

2. Brief Description: Provide a concise description of your company, highlighting its core offerings, unique value proposition, and any significant achievements or milestones. Keep it focused and engaging, using language that resonates with your target audience.

3. Mission and Vision: State your company’s mission and vision, outlining the purpose and long-term goals. This helps readers understand the broader context and values that drive your organization.

4. Key Achievements: Highlight any notable achievements, such as awards, industry recognition, or significant milestones. This can help build credibility and showcase the company’s expertise and success.

5. Products or Services: Summarize the key products or services your company offers. Be specific and highlight any unique features or benefits that set your offerings apart from competitors.

6. Target Audience: Identify the target audience or customer base your company serves. This provides context and helps journalists and readers understand the relevance of your news or announcement.

7. Contact Information: Include relevant contact details for media inquiries or further information. Provide the name, position, email address, and phone number of the appropriate media contact person within your organization.

Formatting Example 1:

[Company Name]

[Company Logo]

[Company Name] is a leading [industry/sector] company that specializes in [core offerings]. With a mission to [mission statement], we strive to [vision statement]. Since our establishment in [year], we have [notable achievements or milestones].

Our portfolio includes [list of products or services], designed to [unique features/benefits]. We cater to a diverse range of customers, including [target audience]. Our commitment to excellence has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

[Media Contact Name]


[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

Formatting Example 2:

About [Company Name]

[Company Logo]

[Company Name] is a trusted name in the [industry/sector] with a focus on [core offerings]. Since [year of establishment], we have been committed to [mission statement], working towards our vision of [vision statement].

Our comprehensive range of [products or services] is designed to meet the unique needs of [target audience]. We take pride in our [notable achievements or milestones] and strive for innovation and customer satisfaction.

For media inquiries or additional information, please contact:

[Media Contact Name]


[Email Address]

[Phone Number]

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By following these guidelines and incorporating the necessary elements, you can create a compelling and informative boilerplate for your press releases. Remember to keep it concise, engaging, and consistent with your brand’s messaging. A well-crafted boilerplate enhances your company’s visibility and ensures journalists and readers have the necessary information to learn more about your organization.

Explore the world’s top press release distribution services to start submitting your content today.

Further reading

Check out some of our recommended books to give you an edge in PR:

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