Natural VS. Artificial Light

Preston cass
8 min readMay 3, 2024


Ever since humans introduced artificial light as an official light supply, much research, and many debates have occurred on the differences between synthetic and natural light and how they affect the human mind. Whether artificial light produces positive or negative effects on humans has been vigorously studied due to the mass use and implementation of manmade light into modern society. This certain light source has been used for over a millennium and has various uses such as giving the ability to work for hours beyond natural daylight, providing light to dark places, streetlamps, etc. Different types of artificial light like LED, incandescent, fluorescent, vapor, neon, and blue light each have their unique advantages and disadvantages regarding human health. On the other hand, Natural light also has many different variations as the sun, stars, lighting, and even certain animals and insects produce light. Although artificial light has been used by humans for centuries and centuries, the light provided by the sun has been an important factor in everyday life since the beginning of time. Natural light is not only useful in fields of work or the lighting of dark places, but its most important property is that it gives major benefits to humans and is also the main factor in the Earth’s life cycle. There are many situations in which artificial light is required to help aid people during the night, it is simply found everywhere you go as it is one of the most useful tools.

Beach with Sunset Photoweb

Natural light is essential for humans as well as the Earth to properly function. This basic form of light can be found and produced by a wide range of animals and natural phenomena. Although the most basic light source is the Sun, natural light can also be found in lightning, fire, the moon, stars, glow worms, and many other insects and animals. Natural light provides multiple benefits for humans, animals, and plants. According to GlobalTint, “Generally, natural light provides a better quality of light for plants to carry out photosynthesis. It also improves a person’s health and well-being. It stimulates vitamin D production, increases memory and mental function, and produces endorphins that help individuals feel better and happier.” (Natural Light: What are the benefits and how to address its disadvantages) It is a well-known fact that sunlight can provide the essential amount of vitamin D to every living organism. Many people agree that being outdoors and participating in outside activities improves their quality of life, mood, and overall well-being. Sunlight also increases and accelerates the hormonal release of serotonin which uplifts one’s mood and helps achieve a calm and focused state of mind. On the other hand, at night time, the darkness stimulates the release of melatonin from the pineal gland and the retina. Another benefit of natural sunlight is how it greatly contributes to the photosynthesis plants go through to survive. All plants require to make their food is sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, and they create food by using the energy from the sun to transition water and carbon dioxide into sugars that they use to grow.

Cobby, Spencer. Photoshoot set. Spencer Cobby Photography

Furthermore, artificial light is a mass-produced light source that provides a solution to the darkness in many rooms, places, and outside at night time. This synthetic form of natural light has been used for thousands of years and has been changed over time by using different materials and manufacturing. Some of the most trendy forms of synthetic light today are LED, neon, and vapor bulbs. Artificial lights are diverse in the ways that they are modeled and it also depends on the type of material that is being used to build the light and supply electricity. Artificial light is no doubt one of the most helpful inventions in history, but some worries and concerns have been presented about the potential health defects it may have on human health. Artificial light can negatively impact the human mood as well as functionalities. For example, News Medical Life Sciences states, “Beyond the direct risks of cancer and the effect upon light-sensitive individuals, there are other risks to human health. The use of artificial light at night-time has been linked to increased risk of sleep disorders, obesity, depression, metabolic disorders, and even breast cancer.” (Davey, Health Effects of Artificial Light) Synthetic light sources incorporated into things such as streetlights, houses, stores, and many other locations destroy the human sleep cycle. Since most of the world’s population lives in or around cities and towns it is said that it is rare to experience a completely dark night. The reason why it is bad for humans to be exposed to artificial light at night is because of the great suppression and reduction of melatonin production it causes. Melatonin provides the human body and mind with essential nutrients and benefits such as boosting and healing the immune system, supplying antioxidant properties, helping with sleep, and lowering cholesterol. Melatonin not only helps with keeping the body healthy, but the chemical also helps the thyroid gland, pancreas, testes, ovaries, and the adrenal gland to function healthily. Blue light is possibly the worst type of artificial light for human health. Surprisingly, the Sun is the largest supplier of blue light in the world but that is not what is causing harm to humans. The blue light that is affecting humans and causing a disruptive sleeping cycle is found in televisions, tablets, computer monitors, smartphone screens, LED lights, etc. Harmful blue light is mostly found in a lot of the technologies that are used by much of society daily. One of the most dangerous risks presented by the overexposure of blue light is irreversible damage to the eyes. Compared to the Sun, the screens on devices do not emit that much blue light, but if one is exposing themselves to blue light long term it can permanently damage and degenerate vision and cause cancer risks. UC Davis Health talks about these issues in an article and states, “Constant exposure to blue light over time could damage retinal cells and cause vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration. It can also contribute to cataracts, eye cancer and growths on the clear covering over the white part of the eye. According to a vision study by the National Eye Institute, children are more at risk than adults because their eyes absorb more blue light from digital devices.” (How blue light affects your eyes, sleep, and health)

Now, let’s discuss the pros and cons of both natural and artificial light. Both types of light have a spectrum of positive and negative effects on humans and the environment around us. Of course, natural light is generally believed to be more healthy and sufficient than artificial light and has been preferred over the two throughout history. This is a popular sentiment for natural light as it is healthier for the eyes, better for activity, increases the production of vitamin D, and creates an overall better mood. Artificial light, being the opposite of natural light, has normally received a negative outlook in recent years. Due to much scientific research and studies, it has been discovered that synthetic light is horrible for the sleeping cycle and vision, it disrupts the natural patterns of all life, pollutes the sky, and even contributes to the mass increase of carbon dioxide in the air. An article created to showcase the pros and cons of both light sources written by MaintenX states the pros and cons of natural light,


– Affects the tone of colors and makes skin appear healthier and more natural than does artificial lighting.

– Has been shown to improve mood, raising well-being, productivity, and overall happiness.

– Can decrease eyestrain.

– Reduces electricity costs.


– Glare; direct sunlight on shiny surfaces reflects bright light, making it difficult to see or work.

– Though it brings life to homes and offices, sunlight will fade colors of furniture, artwork, rugs — anything it touches — over time.

– Heat; if not planned well, natural lighting can result in unwanted and expensive heat cooling costs.” (Natural Light vs. Artificial Light: Pros and Cons) As seen, natural light has a variety of good and bad characteristics. This light source not only improves the mood, productivity, and happiness, of living beings but is also a great supplement for healthier skin. Other pros mentioned about Natural light are the opposite of artificial light, or at least what it has to offer. Sunlight has a large amount of positive benefits to give, but with anything good, there has to be a bad side. Some bad effects of natural light are that it fades away the colors from clothes, furniture, and many other things with time, sometimes sunlight also makes it a challenge to see if it bounces off and reflects from a shiny surface. This specific article created and published by MaintenX also points out and compares the pros and cons of artificial light as they state,


– Extra time for work, schoolwork, and relaxation. Certain artificial lights can even mimic some of the features of natural light.

– Can dramatically change the mood and beauty of an interior room without windows.


– Can have a negative effect on our sleep patterns and overall health.

– Contains both UV and infrared radiations, and wavelengths of light in artificial bulbs vary widely, making it hard to create a consistent lighting environment.” (Natural Light vs. Artificial Light: Pros and Cons) Although the use of Artificial light can potentially cause damage to one’s wellbeing, synthetic light was invented for a reason and has been used for millennia due to its practicality. Some of the pros that artificial light has offered generations of humans are more hours for productivity in workplaces, more time for homework, and it can help with relaxation. Another pro talked about in this article is how synthetic light can change the atmosphere and vibe of a room. An example of this pro is when a room has gentle and snug lighting, it presents a more comfy and pleasant or romantic setting. Another example could be how bright lighting and music are used in many gyms to promote activity and exercise. In contrast, artificial light has some defective characteristics that make people question whether or not this fake form of light is worth the risk. The most well-known cons of artificial light is that it badly impacts sleeping patterns and health.

In conclusion, it needs to be stated and known that natural light is better than artificial light. Not only is it better for the health and well-being of humans, but it is also essential for the growth and production of living things and food. Artificial light is detrimental to the human body and mind. It disrupts sleep contributes to vision problems and drastically lowers moods. Unfortunately, synthetic light is used almost everywhere around the world and causes horrible light pollution which blocks out the stars and moonlight. Hopefully, society will take a step forward for humankind and integrate natural light more into daily activities or invent new technologies that are not so harmful.

