How to make the best sandwich I’ve never tried: According to Jake the dog from Adventure time

Alessandro De Bernardi
5 min readJun 2, 2017


If you haven’t heard of Adventure Time then it is about time!

Adventure Time:

· Great Show

· Great characters, and plots

· Watch it!

Adventure Time is probably the best cartoon I have seen, and I will point out that I am quite the cartoon enthusiast, shows like The Regular Show, Samurai Jack, Hey Arnold, and some mangas are cartoons that I still watch, and love today. I watch cartoons for their visuals, funny characters, and simple, complex stories that almost always have a hidden meaning an adult could understand, and Adventure Time has mastered this process. Adventure Time has created the perfect recipe for a good cartoon; it has great characters, which have an extensive background, an intriguing plot, and an abstract underlining message, and if that was not enough, there is a shape shifting talking dog, candy people, incredible adventure and a human hero. As mentioned before this is your chance to try out Adventure Time, take some time to watch an episode, they are only 20 minutes long.

The “Greatest Sandwich Ever”

· Jake’s sandwich

· My criteria for the best sandwich

· Why I never made Jake’s Sandwich

One particular episode that stands out when I think of Adventure Time is the Time Sandwich episode. The episode where Fin, and Jake have to decipher a magicians code to get the stolen sandwich Jake made “The Greatest Sandwich ever”. Jake’s sandwich is truly one of a kind, he calls it “The Greatest Sandwich ever” as he was taught to make it by some higher power. Of course we all have different taste buds, so therefore our interpretations of the greatest sandwich will differ. However personally for a sandwich to reach greatness it MUST CONTAIN: Great bread, a large selection of vegetables with different tastes, some salty, some acidic, BACON, cheese, something exotic, and hopefully all together these ingredients should amount to a crazy delicious sandwich filled with different flavours, and textures. Jake’s sandwich contains that, and much more! After watching the episode another time I was dedicated to trying to make the sandwich myself, and then I remembered it contains lobster, and I’m broke, nevertheless here is how to make Jake’s ultimate sandwich, for those who can afford lobster.


· Bread

· Cream Cheese

· Dill

· Pickles

· Boiled Eggs

· Cucumbers

· Tomatoes

· Onions

· Sous-vide meat (Use a boneless rib eye)

· Bacon

· A bird from the window (I heard chicken works fine)

· Tears (For the saltiness of course)

· Lobster soul (There is in fact a couple of techniques for that)

Method (Just like Jake):

· Preparation

· Sandwich

· Eating

1. The first part of the preparation phase is gathering the ingredients of course.

2. Get into your kitchen turn on some inspiring music and do the best job you can!

3. Wash your vegetables! Wash them well! Jake the dog did it, and so should you!

4. Sharpen your knife.

5. Get a zip lock bag to put your steak in, season it with some rosemary, and thyme, and throw it into a pot of boiling water (Sous vide style).

6. For the sandwich phase you want to start by cutting your bread in half, and toasting it with a blow torch.

7. Spread some cream cheese, throw on some pickles on one side, and dill on the other side.

8. Add diced up boiled egg, and then a bird from the window (Now if your not comfortable with using some random bird from the window feel free to use some grilled/fried chicken) At this point you should be getting excited!

9. Next add cucumber, tomatoes, and a sweet onion.

10. If you cried from cutting the onion (I know you cried from cutting the onion) I encourage you to add your tears to the sandwich for saltiness.

11. Now the interesting part, add your meat prepared sous vide, BACON! And your lobster soul, which can be added by rubbing your lobster to the sandwich after boiling it alive for a bit.

12. Close your sandwich, and admire it for a bit, if you did it properly it should be light up, and shining like Jake’s.

13. The Sandwich should be huge, and difficult to eat, cut it up in thin slices, this is probably the easiest way to eat it.

14. The last and most rewarding step dig in!

It’s so good:

· Jake’s sandwich

· Eating

At the end of the day it doesn’t really matter if it’s actually the best sandwich ever, what Jake views as tasty might be different to what you consider tasty. However, on the other hand there is no doubt that the sandwich Jake created is truly one of a kind, and honestly my favourite cartoon sandwich. If you have the time, and money try it out let me know how great it really is!



Alessandro De Bernardi

Hello, welcome! My name is Alessandro, I study communication. I’m half Italian, half Burundian, I have lived in 7 different countries. I hope you enjoy reading.