Source: Google

Have you AMPlified your websites?

2 min readDec 12, 2016


Users irrespectively suffer a lot when it comes to surfing a media articles on their mobile devices which result in users moving on to next websites and the chances of returning is very low. This can be the worst outcome for the people involved in it.

According to SOASTA, 47% of the users expect the web pages to load within 3 secs and around 48% of smartphone users won’t come back to a site that performs poorly which affects content publisher on a large scale.

Many websites often contain a lot that needs to be downloaded on your mobile devices to give you your actual content which includes good quality images, scripts to perform various tasks like event handling, analytics for tracking etc etc. So what if the users are not using expensive internet connection or the one using no plans at all.

Here’s why Google have introduces AMP on Oct 2015 with other tech companies and officially integrated AMP listings into its mobile search results on Feb 2016.

According to Google, it is an open source project that created an opportunity to media publishers to create refined web pages that will load instantly anywhere.


The whole idea was to create an AMP pages for the corresponding HTML document which are nothing but a diet version so that the browsers can easily search for these special pages and display it to the end user with a relatively fast speed.

Once AMP pages have been cached by Google, mobile visitors are redirected to it via a search engine.

So why AMP?
I like AMP because it was build with a purpose to improve the user experience of media content websites by making it very fast and came with a quote “to make the web great again”.

The best part about AMP is that their implementation is very simple where you following certain rules will create an AMP pages for your site within no time.

Unlike Facebook’s instant pages and Apple’s news, AMP pages are not platforms dependent.

This link can easily help you out to create AMP version of your websites and publish it.

So what are you waiting for? Just go ahead and start AMPlifying your websites.

Thank You.

