Company culture audit || milestone moments

Ali Gillum
2 min readAug 13, 2018


Perfect for: companies wanting to do a quick culture audit, with practical ways to build culture in the day-to-day life of your company.

Life can easily pass without us taking a step back. Stop that from happening, by finding excuses to celebrate, and then create moments around them. You’ll see that a little goes a long way with celebrating milestone moments.


Gather the company together with a cake, better still if it’s a cake with some sort of fun link to them (…randomly Asda have a great selection of fun cakes!) and get the team to all sign a card. Singing and candles optional, but encouraged.

A present is obviously a bonus (especially if it can be something personal to the birthday boy/girl), but not essential.


Encourage your team to send postcards from their travels and bring back a local souvenir / cuisine. This shows the team that you celebrate them exploring the world, rather than make them feel guilty for taking time off.


Make a note of the date each of your team started, and use the opportunity to send a card telling them how much you value them being in your team. Take it a step further and get a big helium balloon with how many years they’ve been at the company and tie it to their chair


Moving is a faff, why not send your team member a card and some flowers to their new home (you’ll have to get their new address anyway to update your employee information).


When a target is reached, celebrate! Crack open the Prosecco, get some bespoke cupcakes with the milestone, gather the team to simply say thanks in person.

Read more: The Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath is a truly insightful book about all this and more.

Company culture is a real buzz word, but it can be broken down. Aside from the nuts and bolts of a job, people need two things from their workplace:

  • to feel appreciated and valued
  • to have some sort of community.

Both of these are incredibly simple but also notoriously hard to achieve on a genuine level.

It’s got to be led from the bottom up, with the buy-in from the leadership. And is played out in the day-to-day life of the company.



Ali Gillum

The mission is to create priceless moments for busy teams. This is a collection of musings around trying to build company culture through events.