rejections and failures, a redirection?

an affirmation that life will be alright (i hope?)

4 min readAug 3, 2023

Originally posted on May 22, 2023, at Substack

The first week of May was a roller coaster. I was overjoyed as my portfolio gained some traction on Twitter, receiving an outpouring of love and support from friends around the world. My heart was full and filled to the brim with gratitude.

However, fate had a bitter pill in store for me that week — which is — rejection. I received the long-awaited response from NTU, the final university I had applied to, only to be greeted with rejection. I knew it was coming, so I had been preparing myself over the past 2 months. I had affirmed myself to accept whatever the outcome is because I believe behind every closed door is a greater plan unfolding.

Why does it matter? NTU was my last chance to fulfill my dream of studying abroad, especially after the scholarship I had been waiting for confirmed its closure for this year. Devastated? Hell yeah. Despite being mentally prepared for the past two months, I couldn’t help myself from having a breakdown. The journey of applying to abroad uni was arduous — from the research, countless essays, recommendation letters, and preparing personalized portfolios, to taking the IELTS exam — it was extremely exhausting. Not to mention, the financial strain of exam fees and uni applications adding up too.

Sacrifices were made; time, effort, and money — only to face the heartbreaking reality of not being able to go abroad. Witnessing the efforts I poured into this journey fall short of my dream was truly devastating and disappointing (also; another reason why I disagree with the quote — “trust the process”, because rather than placing blind faith in the process for a hopeful outcome, we shall find joy in navigating the process itself, despite of the final result). Anyways, rejection and failure always pose an upsetting challenge, regardless of one’s level of preparedness. Often, I found myself dwelling on self-doubt, questioning if I hadn’t done enough or lacked something vital. But dwelling on the past holds no value because life goes on, and so must I.

I am writing this post from the corner of my bed, crying as I attempt to sort out my thoughts. Amidst the tears and chaos, I find peace in reflecting upon the wonderful journeys I had in the past weeks, months, and year that have left an indelible mark on myself, shaping me into a better version of myself (I hope so…). Looking back, I come to realize that most of my initial plans had failed. The dream of pursuing uni immediately after high school was left unfulfilled due to challenging circumstances back then, forcing me to take a gap year. Little did I know that this detour would open doors to such remarkable opportunities; allowing me to cross paths with admirable mentors, like-minded communities, and new friends who have become my pillars of support and inspiration in both my personal and professional endeavors. I also managed to land a product design internship at too, which has been one of the best experiences I could ever ask for.

Life goes on, and so, the cycle repeats. My goal to secure another tech internship failed — leading me to venture out beyond tech and into a product innovation studio. Within this new realm, I found myself newly immersed in design research and being exposed to various design outputs aside from the now-popular ‘digital product design’, proving a testament that design is truly multidisciplinary.

In conclusion, these redirections, although disheartening at first, have yielded the most abounding fruits that intricately shaped the essence of who I am today. And so, as I turn the page to this new chapter, I shall be alright, right?

As I said earlier, life goes on, and so must I. I am currently preparing myself for uni and I’ve made a decision to pursue a design degree in Indonesia, hopefully majoring in interaction design. I’m really eggcited to learn and experiment with interaction designs across various mediums, free from constraints!! (can’t wait to say hello to ar, vr, board games, interactive exhibitions, game dev?!?! akkk ay am eggcited) AND I really hope, this time, reality won’t disappoint me… 🤞🏻

Also, I’ve set my mindset to not look at uni as a sole investment for my future career — but instead an investment for my own personal learning journey in life that I can enjoy and cherish. This way, I hope to grow, learn and appreciate uni and life’s adventures better — more genuine — with an open heart. Taking this gap year has shown me that I can navigate ambiguity and design my own path, even without uni. So I believe I can do it too in my next chapter.

(thanks to jovina for this reflective question; i think, I’ve found my answer for now)

So, question to you:

Wait, no, not a question. I desperately need YOUR advice.

What advice would you give to me who will be entering uni this year?

(pls answer, I DEMAND an answer 🫵. no jk, i will not force you ☺️)

For Medium readers, please read the comment section on my substack to read the amazing pieces of advice given by several kind people regarding college. Can’t post everything here because it would be too long.




writing about my journey in discovering design & life 🍃| i show my work at and mostly write at