Prieur Leary on the Importance of IT Security

Prieur Leary Blog
1 min readJul 10, 2019


Prieur Leary

Whereas everyone in his business focuses on hacking from outside, Prieur Leary is also aware that the greatest weakness in most information technology (IT) systems is the people, not machines and systems. Prieur Leary does is to provides IT services to companies in the financial services industry, including some of the most innovative and disruptive companies in the industry. That isn’t all he does, of course; perhaps because he is fluent in Spanish and also understands Portuguese, he also has experience and knowledge in the area of international business relations. Prieur Leary’s specialty, however, is in IT, which means his focus is computer systems and networks.

Prieur Leary understands how important IT is, because all computer networks and servers run business applications and because much of the data contained on the organization servers is extremely sensitive. Most IT these days can also include user devices, peripherals and software. That can mean laptops, smartphones, tablets or even recording equipment. IT can also refer to the architectures, methodologies and regulations governing the use and storage of data, and it all must be kept secure, through IT efforts to keep hackers out and through user education and thorough maintenance.

