Let's get sh*t done. Your idea. My code.

Pablo Rigazzi
2 min readAug 1, 2016


Example of Da Codez.

Dead simple. I’m going to work on a project for the coming 5 days and it could be based on your idea.

Starting tomorrow I’m going to start a new project. For a long time, I wanted to code something, a little library, a small website, a proof of concept, or the next Facebook (well… it could also be the next PokemonGo).

I decided that I want to bootstrap little projects from now until the end of the year. Nothing that would take me more than a week from idea to launch, in order to validate business ideas and learn in the process.

Committing to a week worth of work is a small investment that could potentially pay big. Or not. It could also be a great learning opportunity. Either way, it’s not a long period of time and I’m willing to give it a shot to your idea as well.

What do you need to do?

Just pitch your project in the comments section. You’re trying to convince me to work on this, so put some effort on it.

What’s the fine print?

It has to be something that could be developed in 5 days.
It won’t be designed beautifully, at least until the functionality has been done.
I will provide the hosting.
If the project takes off, I could even register a nice .com domain.

If your idea is picked up, what are you going to do?

It depends on your capabilities. If you want to code it, so be it.
If you want to design, better still.
If you want to promote the project, you’re welcome to do so.

I don't have an idea, but I want to help.

Pair Programming is nothing but Funz, right?

If you want to jump in and collaborate during this 5 days, just as a side gig for the LOLz, you’re welcome to join. Just pitch what you want to do in the comments and we’ll take it from there.

The only requirement is that you participate during the entire 5 days and are able to join via Skype/Hangouts to discuss the different parts of the project.

I’m finishing this post earlier today so it has some time out there before tomorrow’s deadline. If you know somebody that could benefit from this, please share this article with them.

