Primalbase Meetup Attended by Over 50 Members of Waves Community

Dmitry Faller
3 min readJun 21, 2017


On June 20th Primalbase had the good fortune of hosting the Waves Community Meetup at our Primal Werf location in Amsterdam. The video of the Q&A session of the meetup is available here.

The office serves as a proof of concept for the Primalbase project, so the chance to share it with such ardent members of the tech industry and blockchain community was incredibly exciting for us.

Sasha Ivanov, Dmitry Faller

The meet up was attended by over 50 members of the Waves Community, some of them came in from various parts of the world especially for this event.

The speakers for the evening included Dmitry Faller, the Chairman of the Board at Primalbase and researcher at the Russian Academy of sciences; and the Founder and CEO of Waves Platform — blockchain maverick Sasha Ivanov, who is also an advisor to the board for Primalbase.

Both speakers expertly tackled questions from the audience, including those watching the live stream, and offered real insight accrued from their extensive experience in the tech industry.

The topics ranged from the upcoming Primalbase ICO to developments in blockchain and, of course, the Waves Platform. The event was very much dedicated to importance of collaboration and community-driven innovation. Concepts which, not only form the foundation of the Primalbase project, but are essential in the promotion of real advancement. Opportunities to have genuine peer-to-peer interaction, share ideas and have a real discussion — particularly on the future of blockchain — are truly a treat.

After the Q&A guests were invited to hang around the office for pizza and beers, before heading off to a local restaurant for some dinner where the conversation and revelry continued. We can’t wait to see what ideas were spawned that night — as we are sure many were.



Dmitry Faller

Chairman of the Board at Primalbase, Researcher at the field of Applied Mathematics