Save the Date: Primalbase Hosts Meetup for Waves Community in Amsterdam

Dmitry Faller
2 min readJun 16, 2017


On June 20 at 19:30, Primalbase, a startup that aims to tokenize a WeWork-type coworking space provider and grant micro-ownership to its investors, will be hosting a meetup for Waves community in Amsterdam Werf, an office space that serves as Primalbase Proof-of-concept. Please, register using this form.

Primalbase team is set to transform traditional office rental into a new-generation community-based ecosystem where one can share, sell or rent out high-quality office spaces using Ethereum and Waves-based digital tokens.

Ever since Primalbase has announced the date of an ICO, the social media accounts and communication channels have been smoking hot for the flow of questions and feedback. The team was trying best to address every one of those in four Q&A sessions. To commemorate the fifth one Primalbase invites everyone to come along to Amsterdam Werf and find out how the project is developing from those who are at the very heart of it!

Who can attend?

Everyone who is interested in Blockchain technology, innovations pushed by Waves platform, and Primalbase project.

Why attend?

Tech community needs to go offline sometimes. We foresee a lot of great projects choosing Primalbase infrastructure as the platform for their development. We need to meet, get to know each other, where we are coming from, share our ideas and vision — this is the only way to move forward.

Who are the speakers?

Dmitry Faller, Chairman of the Board at Primalbase, and Researcher at Russian Academy of Sciences, and Sasha Ivanov, Founder of Waves platform, adviser to Primalbase project, and true Blockchain Ambassador will open up the floor for questions and fruitful discussions.

Can’t attend? Follow the live stream! Use #primalbase to ask questions!

If you are not able to come to the meetup, please join the online streaming of the event on Primalbase Facebook Page. Primalbase is an inclusive bunch — questions passed along on Twitter and Facebook tagged #Primalbase will be addressed as well.

So, save the date — June 20. See you at Primalbase on Helicopterstraat 25, 1059CE! After the semi-official part, the gathering will move into the bar nearby.

Please, register using this form.



Dmitry Faller

Chairman of the Board at Primalbase, Researcher at the field of Applied Mathematics