The Complete Prophets of the Old and New Testament Bible

7 min readOct 28, 2023


The prophets of the Bible were specially chosen messengers who carried important messages from God. From the beginning of creation to the advent of Christianity, their missions spanned ages. Let’s travel to learn about their lives, their missions, and the places they call home.

1. Adam

City/Place: Eden (Traditionally located in Mesopotamia)

Mission: To tend and care for the Garden of Eden; to be fruitful and multiply.

Fulfillment: Laid the foundation of humanity’s existence. His descendants populated the earth.

Year: Approx. 4000 BCE

Bible Verses: Genesis 2:15–17, Genesis 1:28

2. Enoch

City/Place: Unknown, traditionally associated with Mesopotamia.

Mission: To walk faithfully with God.

Fulfillment: He was taken by God and did not experience death.

Year: Approx. 3000–2000 BCE

Bible Verses: Genesis 5:22–24, Hebrews 11:5

3. Noah

City/Place: Pre-flood Earth, traditionally associated with Mesopotamia.

Mission: To build an ark, be righteous, and preserve life during the flood.

Fulfillment: Saved humanity and animals from the flood, and became the father of new humanity.

Year: Approx. 2500–2000 BCE

Bible Verses: Genesis 6:9–22, Genesis 9:12–17

4. Abraham

City/Place: Ur of the Chaldees (Modern-day Iraq), later Canaan (Israel/Palestine).

Mission: To be the father of a great nation and bless all nations through his descendants.

Fulfillment: Fathered Isaac, who became the forefather of the Israelites and Edomites.

Year: Approx. 2000–1700 BCE

Bible Verses: Genesis 12:1–3, Genesis 21:1–3

5. Moses

City/Place: Egypt (birth); Midian (Exile); Wilderness and Mount Sinai (Ministry).

Mission: To lead the Israelites out of Egypt, deliver the Law, and guide them to the Promised Land.

Fulfillment: Led the Exodus, received the Ten Commandments, and prepared Israel for Canaan.

Year: Approx. 1400–1200 BCE

Bible Verses: Exodus 3:1–10, Exodus 20:1–17

6. Joshua

City/Place: Various locations in Canaan.

Mission: To lead the Israelites into the Promised Land and conquer it.

Fulfillment: Successfully led the conquest of Canaan, ensuring Israel’s possession of the land.

Year: Approx. 1400–1300 BCE

Bible Verses: Joshua 1:1–9, Joshua 21:43–45

7. Samuel

City/Place: Ramah (Israel).

Mission: To serve as a judge, priest, and prophet, anointing the first two kings of Israel.

Fulfillment: This played a pivotal role in establishing the monarchy in Israel.

Year: Approx. 1100 BCE

Bible Verses: 1 Samuel 3:1–10, 1 Samuel 10:1

8. Elijah

City/Place: Tishbe in Gilead (Possibly modern-day Jordan).

Mission: To confront the idolatry of Israel and challenge the prophets of Baal.

Fulfillment: Demonstrated God’s power and confronted the false prophets on Mount Carmel.

Year: Approx. 900 BCE

Bible Verses: 1 Kings 17:1, 1 Kings 18:20–40

9. Elisha

City/Place: Abel-meholah (Israel).

Mission: To continue the ministry of Elijah and perform miracles.

Fulfillment: Miraculously healed, prophesied, and performed various miracles in Israel.

Year: Approx. 900–800 BCE

Bible Verses: 2 Kings 2:9–15, 2 Kings 4:38–41

10. Isaiah

City/Place: Jerusalem (Judah).

Mission: To prophesy primarily to the Kingdom of Judah, foretelling both judgment and restoration.

Fulfillment: His prophecies provided hope and guidance during turbulent times.

Year: Approx. 700–680 BCE

Bible Verses: Isaiah 1:1, Isaiah 6:1–8

11. Jeremiah

City/Place: Anathoth (Judah), later Egypt (Exile).

Mission: To prophesy to Judah, warning of impending judgment and urging repentance.

Fulfillment: Witnessed the fall of Jerusalem and provided hope for future restoration.

Year: Approx. 600–580 BCE

Bible Verses: Jeremiah 1:4–10, Jeremiah 29:10

12. Ezekiel

City/Place: Jerusalem (Exile in Babylon).

Mission: To prophesy to the exiled Israelites in Babylon, emphasizing repentance and restoration.

Fulfillment: Provided hope and guidance to the exiles in Babylon.

Year: Approx. 600–570 BCE

Bible Verses: Ezekiel 1:1–3, Ezekiel 37:1–14

13. Daniel

City/Place: Jerusalem (Exile in Babylon).

Mission: To serve as an advisor in the Babylonian court and receive prophetic visions.

Fulfillment: Interpreted dreams and visions, providing insight into future events.

Year: Approx. 600–530 BCE

Bible Verses: Daniel 1:1–7, Daniel 2:26–28

14. Hosea

City/Place: Northern Kingdom of Israel.

Mission: To symbolize God’s relationship with Israel through his marriage to Gomer.

Fulfillment: Called Israel to repentance and portrayed God’s relentless love for His people.

Year: Approx. 750–715 BCE

Bible Verses: Hosea 1:1–3, Hosea 3:1–3

15. Joel

City/Place: Jerusalem (Likely).

Mission: To warn of the impending “Day of the Lord” and call for repentance.

Fulfillment: His prophecies find echoes in later biblical texts.

Year: Approx. 800–700 BCE

Bible Verses: Joel 2:1–2, Joel 2:28–32

16. Amos

City/Place: Tekoa (Southern Kingdom of Judah), prophesied in Israel.

Mission: To condemn social injustice and religious hypocrisy in Israel.

Fulfillment: His prophecies revealed God’s concern for justice and righteousness.

Year: Approx. 750 BCE

Bible Verses: Amos 1:1, Amos 5:21–24

17. Obadiah

City/Place: Unknown.

Mission: To prophesy against Edom for their hostility towards Israel.

Fulfillment: His prophecy serves as a witness to God’s justice.

Year: Approx. 600 BCE

Bible Verses: Obadiah 1:1–2

18. Jonah

City/Place: Gath-Hepher (Galilee, Northern Israel).

Mission: To prophesy against Nineveh, but he initially resisted and was swallowed by a fish.

Fulfillment: Eventually, Nineveh repented, revealing God’s mercy and compassion.

Year: Approx. 780–760 BCE

Bible Verses: Jonah 1:1–3, Jonah 3:1–10

19. Micah

City/Place: Moresheth-Gath (Southern Kingdom of Judah).

Mission: To denounce social injustices and foretell God’s judgment and restoration.

Fulfillment: His prophecies spoke to both the sins of the people and God’s promise of redemption.

Year: Approx. 735–700 BCE

Bible Verses: Micah 1:1, Micah 6:6–8

20. Nahum

City/Place: Elkosh (Likely in Galilee or Assyria).

Mission: To prophesy against Nineveh, foretelling its destruction.

Fulfillment: His prophecy found fulfillment when Nineveh fell.

Year: Approx. 660–630 BCE

Bible Verses: Nahum 1:1–3, Nahum 3:18–19

21. Habakkuk

City/Place: Likely Jerusalem (Southern Kingdom of Judah).

Mission: To engage in a dialogue with God about the problem of evil and justice.

Fulfillment: His conversation with God provides insight into faith and trust in difficult times.

Year: Approx. 600 BCE

Bible Verses: Habakkuk 1:1–4, Habakkuk 3:17–19

22. Zephaniah

City/Place: Likely Jerusalem (Southern Kingdom of Judah).

Mission: To warn Judah of impending judgment due to their idolatry and corruption.

Fulfillment: His prophecies served as a call to repentance and a reminder of God’s justice.

Year: Approx. 640–610 BCE

Bible Verses: Zephaniah 1:1–2, Zephaniah 3:14–17

23. Haggai

City/Place: Jerusalem (Returned exiles after Babylonian exile).

Mission: To encourage the rebuilding of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.

Fulfillment: His words spurred the completion of the temple.

Year: Approx. 520 BCE

Bible Verses: Haggai 1:1–4, Haggai 2:6–9

24. Zechariah

City/Place: Jerusalem (Returned exiles after Babylonian exile).

Mission: To encourage the rebuilding of the Second Temple and deliver prophetic visions.

Fulfillment: His prophecies provided hope and guidance during the reconstruction.

Year: Approx. 520–518 BCE

Bible Verses: Zechariah 1:1–6, Zechariah 8:1–8

25. Malachi

City/Place: Likely Jerusalem (Post-exilic period).

Mission: To deliver the final prophetic message of the Old Testament, focusing on spiritual renewal.

Fulfillment: His words closed the era of Old Testament prophecy.

Year: Approx. 460–420 BCE

Bible Verses: Malachi 1:1, Malachi 3:1–4

Inter-Testamental Period (Between Old and New Testaments):

During this time (approximately 400 BCE to the birth of Jesus), recognized prophets were not mentioned in the biblical texts.

New Testament Prophets:

1. John the Baptist

City/Place: Wilderness of Judea (Israel).

Mission: To prepare the way for the ministry of Jesus.

Fulfillment: Baptized Jesus, heralded the arrival of the Messiah.

Year: Approx. 6 BCE — 30 CE

Bible Verses: Matthew 3:1–12, John 1:29–34

2. Agabus

City/Place: Likely Jerusalem (Christian community).

Mission: Prophesied a famine in Judea.

Fulfillment: His prophecy led to preparations for assistance.

Year: 1st century CE

Bible Verses: Acts 11:27–30, Acts 21:10–11

From the birth of humanity to the rise of Christianity, the prophets of the Bible serve as the chosen messengers of the divine. They came from different origins and carried out their tasks in different countries. Their shared goal is to teach, forewarn, and inspire people, ultimately pointing them toward Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan.

This thorough analysis offers insight into the personal histories and missions of these famous individuals. Their stories have continued to strike a chord with people all around the world, influencing belief, comprehension, and the search for spiritual enlightenment.

Book References:

1. The Bible — The ultimate source for all the prophets’ writings.

2. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament by James B. Pritchard — This book contains translations of various ancient texts that provide historical context to the Old Testament, including some texts related to the prophets.

3. The Prophets by Abraham J. Heschel — This book offers a profound exploration of the prophetic figures in the Hebrew Bible.

4. Isaiah: The NIV Application Commentary by John N. Oswalt — This is a helpful commentary specifically focused on the book of Isaiah.

5. Jeremiah and Lamentations: The NIV Application Commentary by J. Andrew Dearman — This commentary provides insights into the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations.

6. Ezekiel: The NIV Application Commentary by Iain M. Duguid — This is a commentary focused on the book of Ezekiel.

7. The Book of Daniel by Louis F. Hartman and Alexander A. Di Lella — This commentary provides a detailed analysis of the book of Daniel.

8. Hosea: The NIV Application Commentary by Gary V. Smith — This is a commentary specifically focused on the book of Hosea.

9. Amos: The NIV Application Commentary by Gary V. Smith — This commentary provides insights into the book of Amos.

10. Jonah: The NIV Application Commentary by James Bruckner — This is a commentary focused on the book of Jonah.

11. Micah: The NIV Application Commentary by Thomas Edward McComiskey — This commentary provides insights into the book of Micah.

12. Nahum-Malachi: The NIV Application Commentary by Elizabeth Achtemeier — This commentary covers the books of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.

13. John the Baptist: Prophet and Disciple by Alexander J. Burke — This book offers insights into the life and ministry of John the Baptist.




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