You Degree Won’t Go To Waste. Trust me

Cai S
3 min readJun 20, 2024


Photo by Matt Ragland on Unsplash

Being a current university undergraduate student myself, i’ve heard people talk about how certain degrees are meaningless and won’t amount to anything. You have to be in the big picture degrees to actually make a genuine living. Degrees such as any sort of engineering, business, computer science, or medicine. Those are the ones people think are truly valuable and will actually amount to something. Whereas, someone who decided to take their degree in theatre, painting, literature, education, a certain language, etc, aren’t good at all.

Even my degree, political science has been criticized by others because what’s the point of it? I have a great interest in politics so that was a degree i wanted to pursue. I am also double majoring and have a second major in theatre because theatre and acting are a great passion of mine. I went into school knowing my majors were things that were good for me. Not good for everyone else to applaud me because i chose a “conventional” career path. It seems like everyone is going in the exact same direction and i didn’t want to go in the same direction as everyone else.

I don’t dream of working in an office space or making spreadsheets and powerpoints all day for the next forty years of my life. I have dreams and aspirations which i believe i should work towards in a professional way through my education. Political science and Theatre and putting me in positions i would have never been able to get into if it had not been for the classes and knowledge i’ve gained over the time i’ve been in school the last two years.

If you have a dream or an aspiration and you aren’t exactly sure what to do, i suggest double majoring or at the very least take a conventional major but if at all possible, minor in what you’re truly passionate about. So at least you have an educational background in the thing you’re passionate about if it’s needed in the future. That’s what i did. Technically my political science degree is my practical and conventional degree but theatre is my passion degree. I double majored because i wanted the absolute most out of both my degrees. I knew a minor in theatre wouldn’t give me what i needed to learn so double majoring was the smartest idea for me.

No matter what your path will be in life, don’t let others opinions and their feelings about your life choices and major effect who you are as a person and what you’re passionate about in life. Everyone has dreams and goals and everyone can achieve them if they try hard enough. No one ever made it in life by just following what other people wanted them to do. People succeeded because they saw a path that truly lit their souls on fire and jumped the gun. They went for it and did what they had to do. Do what you have to do for yourself. Not for others because of their opinions and validation.

As long as you stay head strong and persistent and consistent in whatever those dreams and goals of yours may be, keep your head up and continue on the course. Eventually you’ll find the exact destination you’ve been searching for and find your own success in that thing you love. Don’t let people tell you you’ll amount to nothing because you aren’t taking the usual path in life. Sometimes the journey a winding road will take you is a lot more exciting than a straight lined highway.

