Princess Amarachukwu
2 min readApr 26, 2019

You are a believer

You don't know many scriptures but the few you know, you are living it out to the glory of God.

You are not even an executive in your local church. No you ain't!!

You are just a believer who is doing the will of the father

In fact the lord is still helping your life to become better

Then suddenly you begin to hear side talks

They say you are still young in the faith to carry the dimension of God you possess.

They say "where has he attained spiritually to make him serve God in this manner"

"Who is even his spiritual father"

They forget that even Apostle Paul was mentored by God without a spiritual father..

They forget that that the age of Methuselah has nothing to do with the wisdom of Solomon

They forget that there's a spirit in man and the breath of life giveth him understanding

In their own words, i quote

" What does this poor, feeble being think he is doing?

Does he think he can build the wall in a single day by just offering a few sacrifices?

Does he actually think he can make something of stones from a rubbish heap -and charred ones at that??

That stone wall would collapse if even a fox walked along the top of it."

They say all sorts to kill your spirit

You feel like reacting

You want to confront them

But the Holy spirit comforts you

You feel cheated

You want to show them too that in the days of John the baptist the kingdom of God suffereth violence..

You want to cut them off from your life....

Dear believer, let me tell you today

Ridicule can cut deeply, o yes it can

Especially when it's coming from people who know you not, even if they know you it still hurts deeply..

It causes discouragement and despair...

But instead of trading insults, just PRAY

When you are mocked for your faith or criticised for doing what you know is right, REFUSE TO RESPOND IN THE SAME WAY, or to BECOME DISCOURAGED.

Tell God how you feel and remember his promise to be with you...

It's easier said than done right???

But you see, Ministry is not a call to poverty, but it is a call to suffering. Though our outer body perishes, our inner man is being renewed...

When Christ is well formed in a man, put him anywhere and he would survive even in the midst of his mockers!!!



©Princess Ijeoma Amarachukwu

Princess Amarachukwu

Author, Statistician, Data Analyst, Freelancer Founder, Primara Foundation. I'm saved sanctified and purposeful