PinnedPrincess of IslaminIslamic EducationEvery Bida’h Is Not HeterodoxyA question may arise in someone’s mind as to what the following two blessed Aḥādīš mean:Sep 166Sep 166
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PinnedPrincess of IslaminIslamic EducationWhy Can a Man Have up to 4 Wives, But A Woman Only One Husband?There are thousands of wisdoms in every Islamic Law…...Aug 155Aug 155
PinnedPrincess of IslamBISMILLAH: THE OPENINGThe Prophet of Ramaĥ, the Intercessor of Ummaĥ, the Owner of Jannaĥ has stated, ‘Any important work which is started without…May 291May 291
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Princess of IslaminILLUMINATIONWhy You Must Not Argue With People?The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “ whoever does not argue when he is in the wrong will have a home built for him on the edge of Paradise…Sep 251Sep 251
Princess of IslaminILLUMINATIONA Reminder For Those Who Are Addicted To Pornography ………The sooner those hooked on pornography give it up the sooner they can develop a link with their Creator.Aug 82Aug 82