Princess Mapona
2 min readJul 15, 2019

The Labour Room

On this special day around 4:00am, she screamed HELP!! in the labour room.
The room had about three people who were at her service but she kept on screaming HELP!!
Maybe she wanted the owner of the sp…. to help or she wanted someone so close like an immediate family member and not the three strangers...but nobody showed up to help her.
The nurses kept on shouting PUSH!! and she did not stop screaming HELP!!

Then within two hours a little, tiny and pale skinned girl popped out crying.
Was she responding to the push! and help! noises or she was just bored by where she was coming from. Nobody knows.

The ladies knew their thing and did what they were supposed to do and dressed the baby. As they placed the baby next to her, one of them said IT'S A GIRL. Guess what, she immediately forgot all the pains she went through and put on a billion dollar smile.

She could not help it but smile and held the palm of the baby reciting all the best wishes in her heart.

She smiled as if she knew she had given birth to a Princess, a strong lady and a charismatic character.

Boom! from the door was a man who entered, the man she said yes to when he said I love you. "Her lover". He just appeared by the door with smiles that told the whole maternity ward that I am happy on his face and his eyes said it all. When he reached the bed without a greeting she immediately told him it's a girl and in response named her Princess and held the baby right away.

Rest in Peace mom and dad will always love you.

This was the best I could do for myself on my birthday. Happy 21st birthday to me.

Princess Mapona

Journalist, share life time experiences in writing. (girls and women empowerment)