The Truth About The Evergreen Protests

Jacqueline Littleton
7 min readMay 29, 2017

Dr. Bret Weinstein of the Evergreen State College shared this headline on twitter: “The Shrieking Mob of Students Confronted the Professor for Opposing Racism.” The mob of students in question were protesting what they see as problems with the culture of The Evergreen State College at large; administrators punitively targeting people of color, recent campus police brutality against people of color — especially black students — and changes to some of the school’s legal codes which would affect students’ right to demonstrate. The word racism has lost all meaning if those students were proponents of racism, protesting Weinstein’s opposition.

Weinstein’s ability to center the narrative of student protest around himself is indicative of his power, and is another example of the historically proven tendency of white men in positions of power to victimize themselves. In recent days he has added the support of infamous atheist Sam Harris, Sean Lennon, Bill O’Reilly’s protege Tucker Carlson, and Ashley Rae (@communism_kills on twitter) to his numbers.

By his own account, Weinstein is a progressive. He opposes what he calls “the regressive left,” which we can assume is exemplified by the student protesters, and he has tweets upon tweets expounding this view. What is not present on his twitter feed is any written support for trans people, for people of color, for the disabled or the working class. When he appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on FOX News on May 26, he spoke only about himself and how recent events had affected him. As…

