No Donations until Divestment: Open Letter to Princeton University’s President Eisgruber

Divest Princeton
17 min readOct 20, 2019


UPDATE, June 2020: Please visit our new website, This copy of the letter will no longer be updated with new signatures; however, links will take you to the current signup form.

Cc: Resources Committee of the Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC)

Dear President Eisgruber,

As proud current and future alumni of Princeton University, we are writing to express our deep concern that Princeton continues to invest a portion of its $26.1 Billion endowment in fossil fuel companies. The ever-worsening climate crisis threatens the lives of many millions of people, the stability of countries and civilizations, and the existence of countless known and unknown species. The devastating effects of rapid climate change are being felt first and hardest by the most vulnerable communities — victims of colonial rule and indigenous communities, people of color, young people, low-income families, and other marginalized groups. The great injustice is that these communities are least to blame for our current crisis. It is our responsibility as an institution of tremendous privilege to be conscientious leaders in climate justice, and to take seriously the concerns and proposals of victims of climate breakdown — including but not limited to divestment.

In light of these indisputable and existential threats, we can no longer contribute to the University while Princeton continues to invest in these companies, which are primary drivers of the climate crisis. We take this action in solidarity with other movements to hold the University accountable, including the movement to withhold donations until the University implements Title IX reform.

Princeton admonishes its students to work “in the nation’s service, and in the service of humanity.” We look to the University to embody the same ideal. Profiting from fossil fuels, at this point, is incompatible with acting in the nation’s service or the service of humanity.

An illustration that accompanied a column in The Daily Princetonian about Princeton’s investment in fossil fuels.
Illustration: Charlotte Adamo / The Daily Princetonian

Princeton is a leader not only in research and higher education generally, but in environmental and climate research in particular. The Princeton Environmental Institute, the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, and other efforts showcase the University’s commitment to using its institutional power to support a global, just transition to clean energy, sustainable economy, and a stable climate. By continuing to finance, and to profit from, fossil fuel companies, Princeton’s investments undermine the crucial work done by students and faculty in laboratories and centers across campus.

President Eisgruber, you have previously stated that you feel Princeton must avoid being political in its investments. You wrote that climate change and other environmental problems “arise not out of the conduct of a few bad actors but rather out of the conduct of all of us,” yet we know that climate change is a structural problem that requires structural solutions — ones that fossil fuels companies have resisted for half a century. Given what is now known about the active disinformation campaigns and political obstruction from fossil fuel companies, to continue to provide financing to such companies is a political action. As students and alumni, we refuse to tacitly support the industry most responsible for creating and perpetuating this existential threat.

Click here to sign if you are a current or future alumnus of Princeton University.

Every day that Princeton delays divestment, it cedes its claim to global leadership and moral authority. It is well past time for Princeton to continue its history of divestments on ethical grounds, and to join with other universities and institutions worldwide in divesting from fossil fuel companies. Until then, we cannot in good conscience give to Princeton.


830* current/future Princeton alumni

*Signatures will be updated periodically

Click here to sign if you are a student or alumnus of Princeton University, or a Princeton faculty or staff member who wishes to sign in support of the students and alumni.

Follow Divest Princeton on Facebook & Twitter. Please email with questions or comments.


1. Michael Southwell ‘60

2. Steven Hall ‘65

3. Allan Christensen ‘68

4. Tracy Mott ‘68

5. Robert Herbst ‘69

6. Jeffrey Pidot ‘69

7. Peter Beatty ‘70

8. Michael Hirshfield ‘70

9. Gregory Nobles ‘70

10. Philip Terrie ‘70

11. Tom Collins ‘72

12. Mauruce Rehm ‘73

13. Ed Seliga ‘75

14. Juan Blanco Ruiz ‘77


16. Cory Alperstein ‘78

17. Mary Gallagher ‘78

18. Arline Geronimus ‘78

19. Deborah Goldsmith ‘78

20. Alexandra Halsey ‘78

21. Holly Hexter ‘78

22. Julie List ‘78

23. Lisa Maddox ‘78

24. Robert Massie ‘78

25. Mary McKitrick ‘78

26. Madeleine Picciotto ‘78

27. Jane Selverstone ‘78

28. Jill Silverman ‘78

29. Anne Tate ‘78

30. Michael Sherber ‘79

31. Linda Tafapolsky ‘79

32. Leslie Taylor ‘79

33. Amy Goldsmith ‘80

34. Caroline Hancock *82

35. Paula Watnick ‘82

36. Jessica Berman ‘83

37. Matthew Higgins ‘83

38. John Oakes ‘83

39. Douglas Rushkoff ‘83

40. Daphne Wysham ‘83

41. Daphne Wysham ‘83

42. Stephen Eisenman *84


44. Tracey Regan ‘84

45. Elizabeth Haase ‘85

46. Fletcher Harper ‘85

47. Nora Odendahl *85

48. Jim Toole ‘85

49. Karl Chwe ‘86

50. Noemi de la Puente ‘86

51. Joel Sipress ‘86

52. Andrew Velwest ‘86

53. Diana Silverman ‘87

54. Mahboud Zabetian ‘88

55. Cynthia Addison ‘89

56. Jack Goodman ‘89

57. shannon holliday ‘89

58. David Hughes ‘89

59. Leslie Gates ‘90

60. Anna M Lyles *90

61. Dmitry Gorenburg ‘92

62. Irene Law ‘92

63. Arun Sannuti ‘92

64. Dana R Fisher ‘93

65. Michelle Lerner ‘93

66. Donna Riley ‘93

67. Aryeh Abeles ‘94

68. Sarah MacMillan ‘94

69. Frederick Martin ‘94

70. Randi Cohen ‘95

71. Marion Hourdequin ‘95

72. Chris Kimberly ‘95

73. Jonathan Dushoff ‘97

74. James Rolfe *97

75. Majka Burhardt ‘98

76. Ransom Richardson ‘98

77. Peter Rowinsky ‘98

78. Oakley Brooks ‘99

79. Juliet Palmer *99

80. Shir Abeles ‘00

81. Catherine Archibald ‘00

82. Karen Emmerich ‘00

83. Hayley Hawes ‘00

84. Julia “Jessie” Shelton ‘00

85. Charlotte Stanton ‘00

86. Sarah Wolbert ‘00

87. Amanda M. Fulmer ‘01

88. Roberto Steck ‘01

89. Katie Hampson ‘02

90. Matthew Lembo ‘02

91. Ben Beckley ‘03

92. Kai Chan *03

93. Leila Hadj-Chikh *03

94. Lee Worden *03

95. Jayatri Das *04

96. Sahtiya Hammell ‘04

97. Laura Petrillo ‘04

98. Kate Reid ‘04

99. Kelechi Acholonu ‘05

100. Solomon Barnett ‘05

101. Christine Nesbitt ‘05

102. Theri Pickens ‘05

103. Rebecca Sealfon ‘05

104. Claudia Carrera ‘06

105. Brittany Davis ‘06

106. Cathy Kunkel ‘06

107. Marcus Lowther ‘06

108. Juliet O’Brien *06

109. Ron Weissbard ‘06

110. Karen Wolfgang ‘06

111. Aitalohi Amaize ‘07

112. Ilya Fischhoff ‘07

113. Shawn Hall ‘07

114. Cathleen Stone Joseph ‘07

115. O. Kim Kamarebe ‘07

116. Aiala Levy ‘07

117. Blair Moorhead ‘07

118. Ronee Penoi ‘07

119. Christina Postolowski ‘07

120. Juliet Pulliam *07

121. Michael Reyes ‘07

122. Katrina Rogachevsky ‘07

123. Siva Sundaresan *07

124. Katherine Anderson ‘08

125. Jessica Ausinheiler ‘08

126. Nikhil Bumb ‘08

127. Timothy Cheston ‘08

128. Bryan Cockrell ‘08

129. Cara DiGirolamo ‘08

130. David Goehring *08

131. Nora Gross ‘08

132. Tommi Hurme ‘08

133. Jessica Marati ‘08

134. Duncan Menge *08

135. Irene Routte ‘08

136. Rachel Sealfon ‘08

137. Keith Shattenkirk ‘08

138. Laura Smith-Gary ‘08

139. Sarah Vander Ploeg ‘08

140. Juan Alvarez ‘09

141. Robert Barnett ‘09

142. Denali Barron ‘09

143. Fiona Burnell *09

144. Anping Chen *09

145. Will Durbin *09

146. Andrew Eil *09

147. Brian Geistwhite ‘09

148. Jareth Holt ‘09

149. Deepa Iyer ‘09

150. Umar Javed ‘09

151. Anna Liebowitz ‘09

152. Ragnhild Lunnan ‘09

153. Katie Mack *09

154. Pancho Mulongeni ‘09

155. Kate Poole ‘09

156. Cara Rock-Singer ‘09

157. Ralph Schaefer ‘09

158. Megan Thompson ‘09

159. Maxwell Weidmann ‘09

160. Abhishek Bhattacharjee *10

161. Jacob Denz ‘10

162. Jenny Hsi ‘10

163. Edward Hurme ‘10

164. Vichitra Jagannathan ‘10

165. Aman Jain *10

166. Waqas Jawaid ‘10

167. Andrew Kinaci ‘10

168. Aman Kumar ‘10

169. Theresa Laverty ‘10

170. Jing Lin ‘10

171. Wesley Loo ‘10

172. Ryan Morrill ‘10

173. Abhinav Nellore *10

174. Manuela Raunig-Berho ‘10

175. Sucharita Ray *10

176. Belinda Slakman ‘10

177. Doug Sprankling ‘10

178. Jason Yun ‘10

179. Hessameddi Akhlaghpour *11

180. Chinekwu Anunwa ‘11

181. Brooks Barron ‘11

182. Patty Chen ‘11

183. Rena Chen ‘11

184. Elena Martinez ‘11

185. Elena Nikolova *11

186. Megan Prier ‘11

187. Erin Sherman ‘11

188. Lorne Applebaum *12

189. Elisabeth Cohen *12

190. Alexa Fredston-Hermann ‘12

191. Miriam Geronimus ‘12

192. Michael Jimenez ‘12

193. Lindy Li ‘12

194. Katherine Manchester *12

195. Bridget Menasche ‘12

196. Sanchali Pal ‘12

197. Robert Quinn *12

198. Kelly Roache ‘12

199. Emily Rutherford ‘12

200. Matthew Wakulchik ‘12

201. Evan Warner ‘12

202. Felipe Winsberg ‘12

203. Lily Akerman ‘13

204. Briyana D. Clarel ‘13

205. Robert Joyce ‘13

206. Abigail Levene ‘13

207. Shreya Murthy ‘13

208. Daniel Schwartz-Narbonne *13

209. Reuben de Lautour *14

210. Philip Dershwitz ‘14

211. Johanna Eriksson ‘14

212. Clare Gallagher ‘14

213. Sally Goodman ‘14

214. Uchechi Kalu ‘14

215. Uchechi Kalu ‘14

216. Nina Masters ‘14

217. Kate McGunagle ‘14

218. Alana Miller ‘14

219. Mayank Misra ‘14

220. Dillon Reisman ‘14

221. Nitin Sekar *14

222. Eric Traub ‘14

223. Daniel Arias ‘15

224. Paco Avila ‘15

225. Yung In Chae ‘15

226. Vivien Cheng ‘15

227. Jonathan Choi ‘15

228. Malcolm Deck ‘15

229. Melody Edwards ‘15

230. Matthew Goldsmith ‘15

231. Yasin Hegazy ‘15

232. Mason Herson-Hord ‘15

233. Katherine Horvath ‘15

234. Allan Jabri ‘15

235. Yeri Lee ‘15

236. Wendy Li ‘15

237. Karenna Martin ‘15

238. Dayton Martindale ‘15

239. Jacob Miller ‘15

240. Paul Rapoport ‘15

241. Pavel Shibayev ‘15

242. Emma Snyder ‘15

243. Pamela Soffer ‘15

244. Alexandro Strauss ‘15

245. Melanie Szemis ‘15

246. Dharit Tantiviramanond ‘15

247. Mitchell Vollger ‘15

248. Frank Woo ‘15

249. Stephen Wood ‘15

250. Yavuz Yetim *15

251. Nicole Zenes ‘15

252. Taimur Ahmad ‘16

253. Pelin Asa ‘16

254. Nicholas Barton ‘16

255. Anastas Belev ‘16

256. Marcelo Bonassa ‘16

257. Marta Cabral ‘16

258. Ethan Campbell ‘16

259. Angelo Campus ‘16

260. Daniel Caprera ‘16

261. Peter Deffebach ‘16

262. Ross Donovan ‘16

263. Daniel Dore ‘16

264. Thomas Garcia ‘16

265. Julz Goff ‘16

266. Alexander Gow ‘16

267. Phillip Hannam *16

268. Helena Hengelbrok ‘16

269. Victoria Higgins ‘16

270. Duncan Hosie ‘16

271. Lucas Howard ‘16

272. Brittany Ilardi ‘16

273. Tucker Jones ‘16

274. Hyun Kim ‘16

275. Indira Kissoondyal ‘16

276. Victoria Lee ‘16

277. Aleza Lichterman ‘16

278. Bing Lin ‘16

279. Kathryn Little ‘16

280. Rebecca Lowy ‘16

281. Frances Lu ‘16

282. Amalya Megerman ‘16

283. Rebecca Neill ‘16

284. Ronan O’Brien ‘16

285. Anchal Padukone ‘16

286. Lucia Perasso ‘16

287. Melody Qiu ‘16

288. Safeeyah Quereshi ‘16

289. Aaron Rock-Singer *16

290. Emily Rogers ‘16

291. Byron Sanborn ‘16

292. Sean Sarra ‘16

293. Joe Scherrer ‘16

294. Andrew Sharo ‘16

295. Hrishikesh Somayaji *16

296. Ana-Andreea Stoica ‘16

297. Regina Teng *16

298. Maya Wahrman ‘16

299. Katherine Ye ‘16

300. Reka Zempleni ‘16

301. Shirley Zhu ‘16

302. Ahmed Akhtar ‘17

303. Miranda Alperstein ‘17

304. Aubree Andres ‘17

305. Vivien Bazarko ‘17

306. Emma Benintende *17

307. Alex Bi ‘17

308. Marlyn Bruno ‘17

309. Ted Callon ‘17

310. Carey Camel ‘17

311. Vivian Chang *17

312. Madeleine Clayton ‘17

313. Allison Conwell ‘17

314. Dorottya Demszky ‘17

315. Dominique Fahmy ‘17

316. Alice Frederick ‘17

317. Grant Golub ‘17

318. Ben Goodman ‘17

319. Ginevra Guzzi ‘17

320. Boryana Hadzhiyska ‘17

321. Sofia Hiltner ‘17

322. Zena Kesselman ‘17

323. Will Lathrop ‘17

324. Hetty Lee ‘17

325. Joshua Leifer ‘17

326. Jessica Lu ‘17

327. Yiwei Luo ‘17

328. Jason Manley ‘17

329. Guillermo Martinez Cabalga ‘17

330. Myles McCaulay *17

331. Abby Melick ‘17

332. Madeleine Meyers ‘17

333. Caitlin Miller ‘17

334. Avaneesh Narla ‘17

335. Shannon Osaka ‘17

336. Agastya Parikh ‘17

337. Peter Park ‘17

338. Sophie Parker-Rees ‘17

339. Kalina Petrova ‘17

340. Quin Pompi ‘17

341. Vivian Ramirez ‘17

342. Christina Rice ‘17

343. Laura Salazar Altobelli *17

344. Bertilla Sieben ‘17

345. Colter Smith ‘17

346. Jenna Spitzer ‘17

347. Janice Sung ‘17

348. Safa Syed ‘17

349. Hannah Tandy *17

350. Margaret Wright ‘17

351. Jeffrey Wu ‘17

352. Reva Abrol ‘18

353. Richard Anderson *18

354. William Atkinson ‘18

355. Kabbas Azhar ‘18

356. Rachel Baker *18

357. Ogulcan Bayol ‘18

358. Kyle Berlin ‘18

359. Ailyn Brizo ‘18

360. Eos Chase ‘18

361. Kate Chiu *18

362. Aleksandra Cvetkovic ‘18

363. Zachariah DeGiulio ‘18

364. Lena Dubitsky ‘18

365. Jake Essman ‘18

366. Agata Foryciarz ‘18

367. Matthew Giannotti ‘18

368. Alex Gottlieb ‘18

369. Max Grear ‘18

370. Jennifer Guyton *18

371. Andrew Hartnett ‘18

372. Cole Holcomb *18

373. Sonia Howlett ‘18

374. Edric Huang ‘18

375. Claire Jones ‘18

376. Iden Kalemaj ‘18

377. Theo Keeley-LeClaire ‘18

378. Eva Kenny *18

379. Delaney Kerkhof ‘18

380. Daniel Krane ‘18

381. Brigitte Lamarche ‘18

382. Nathan Leach ‘18

383. Helen Lin ‘18

384. Jonathan Lu ‘18

385. Kathleen Ma ‘18

386. Jessica Mack *18

387. Hannes Mandel *18

388. Jane Manners ‘18

389. Sarah McGuire ‘18

390. Jan Offermann ‘18

391. Galen Ogg ‘18

392. Larkin Papa ‘18

393. Quinn Parker ‘18

394. Madeleine Pauchet ‘18

395. Alex Piet *18

396. Julie Pourtois ‘18

397. Aparna Raghu ‘18

398. Ashley Reed ‘18

399. Joshua Rivas *18

400. Clara Santamaría *18

401. Rebecca Schnell ‘18

402. Tristan Schrader ‘18

403. Cecilia Shang ‘18

404. Christopher Shin ‘18

405. Daniel Spruill ‘18

406. Frances Steere ‘18

407. Nicholas Steidel ‘18

408. Imani Thornton ‘18

409. Nicolas Toy ‘18

410. Lydia Watt ‘18

411. Rob Whitaker ‘18

412. Aamir Zainulabadeen ‘18

413. Tianay Zeigler ‘18

414. Lindy Zeng ‘18

415. Shelley Zhao ‘18

416. Jonathan Zong ‘18

417. Yuanyuan Zhao ‘19

418. Lila Abreu ‘19

419. Zartosht Ahlers ‘19

420. Meir Alkon *19

421. Sara Anjum ‘19

422. Taylor Bacon ‘19

423. Elias Berbari ‘19

424. Alexander Berg *19

425. Megan Berry ‘19

426. Rebecca Blevins ‘19

427. Miranda Bolef ‘19

428. Lachlan Caret *19

429. Stephen Chao ‘19

430. Liam Collins ‘19

431. Greg Darnell *19

432. Isabel DoCampo *19

433. Kyle Duffey ‘19

434. Naomi Fesseha ‘19

435. Caterina Golner ‘19

436. Ryan Herbert *19

437. Maria Heredia-Meza ‘19

438. Micah Herskind ‘19

439. Sebastian Holt ‘19

440. Benjamin Huang ‘19

441. Michael Imo ‘19

442. Isabel James ‘19

443. Zara Jayat ‘19

444. Ananya Joshi ‘19

445. Jenna Kaufmann ‘19

446. Benjamin Laufer ‘19

447. Ishan Levy ‘19

448. Lian Kirit Limperis ‘19

449. Bobby Lussier ‘19

450. Ellie Maag ‘19

451. Kayli Marshall ‘19

452. Margaret McCallister ‘19

453. Leyla Mocan *19

454. Sage Palmedo ‘19

455. Daniel Petticord ‘19

456. Kathryn Grace Phipps ‘19

457. Alex Santos ‘19

458. Remi Shaull-Thompson ‘19

459. Luke Shaw ‘19

460. Lisa Sheridan ‘19

461. Matt Sosna *19

462. Richard Swanton ‘19

463. Vincent Tang ‘19

464. Tiffany M. Tran ‘19

465. Caroline Trippel ‘19

466. Kelly Van Baalen ‘19

467. Helena Van Brande ‘19

468. Katherine Woolford ‘19

469. Karen Zhang ‘19

470. Jessica Zheng ‘19

471. Rucha Alur ‘20

472. Michelle Baird ‘20

473. Brillian Bao ‘20

474. Samuel Bartusek ‘20

475. Eli Berman ‘20

476. Jane Blaugrund ‘20

477. Erin Boateng ‘20

478. Winnie Brandfield-Harvey ‘20

479. Abigail Breitfeld ‘20

480. Kenji Cataldo ‘20

481. Naomi Cohen-Shields ‘20

482. Joseph Collins ‘20

483. Carlota Corbella ‘20

484. Aditi Dhital ‘20

485. Kendra Dombroski ‘20

486. Leora Eisenberg ‘20

487. Madison Eller ‘20

488. Yousef Elzalabany ‘20

489. Jessica Giller ‘20

490. William Grear ‘20

491. Arianah Hanke ‘20

492. Sadie Henderson ‘20

493. Sean Howe ‘20

494. Cecilia Hsu ‘20

495. Dee-Dee Huang ‘20

496. Nourhan Ibrahim ‘20

497. Alex Ju ‘20

498. Sofie Kim ‘20

499. Laura Kirkland ‘20

500. Rafi Lehmann ‘20

501. Curtis Leonard ‘20

502. Michael Liapin ‘20

503. Janette Lu ‘20

504. Gregory Luck ‘20

505. Hamza Mahmood ‘20

506. T Lucas Makinen ‘20

507. Claire McGuinness ‘20

508. Jenna Mellor *20

509. Natalie Nagorski ‘20

510. Rebecca Ngu ‘20

511. Morgan Nicolao ‘20

512. Divyanshu Pachisia ‘20

513. Melita Piercy ‘20

514. Irma Qavolli ‘20

515. Katie Schneer ‘20

516. Ellen Scott-Young ‘20

517. Bhavani Srinivas ‘20

518. Maria Stahl ‘20

519. Sophie Steinman-Gordon ‘20

520. Eric Stinehart ‘20

521. Shiye Su ‘20

522. Mayisha Sultana ‘20

523. Xiaoting Sun ‘20

524. Natasha Thomas ‘20

525. Anh Ton *20

526. Riley Wagner ‘20

527. Autumn Weyant ‘20

528. Christopher Wilks ‘20

529. Alice Wistar ‘20

530. Anna Wolcke ‘20

531. Jose Yanez ‘20

532. Noah Agarwal ‘21

533. Elie Amkraut *21

534. Annie Anezakis ‘21

535. Bruno Aravena Maguida ‘21

536. Nathan Babb *21

537. Sofía Briones ‘21

538. Morgan Carmen ‘21

539. Kavya Chaturvedi ‘21

540. Lauren Clark *21

541. Jens Clausen ‘21

542. Paige Cleary ‘21

543. Grace Collins ‘21

544. Austin Colorite ‘21

545. Casey Conrad ‘21

546. Sasha Culley ‘21

547. Gabrielle D’Arcangelo ‘21

548. Mary DeVellis ‘21

549. Alan Ding ‘21

550. Amanda Eisenhour ‘21

551. Jessica Gaytan ‘21

552. Risa Gelles-Watnick ‘21

553. Talia Gerstle *21

554. KiKi Gilbert ‘21

555. Sher Gill ‘21

556. Tori Gorton ‘21

557. Maya Hardimon ‘21

558. Eric Hardy ‘21

559. Julia Harisay ‘21

560. Lowell Hutchinson ‘21

561. Alex Hydrean *21

562. Alec Israeli ‘21

563. Andrew Kaneb ‘21

564. Andrew Kaneb ‘21

565. Fatima Khan *21

566. Fatima Khan *21

567. Olivia Kusio ‘21

568. Mark Lee *21

569. McKenzie Leier *21

570. William Makinen ‘21

571. Hugues Martin dit neuville ‘21

572. Katie Massie ‘21

573. Kailie Mcgeoy ‘21

574. William McMutuary *21

575. Masha Miura ‘21

576. Harshita Rallabhandi *21

577. Eno Reyes ‘21

578. Maria Romano *21

579. Nikhita Salgame ‘21

580. Katharine Schassler ‘21

581. Lindsey Schmidt ‘21

582. Kimia Shahi *21

583. Sten Sjöberg ‘21

584. Tatijana Stewart ‘21

585. Victoria Styers ‘21

586. Aisha Tahir ‘21

587. Tom Taylor ‘21

588. Emily Tenenbom *21

589. Ed Trippas ‘21

590. Leila Ullmann ‘21

591. Jackson Vail ‘21

592. Tassilo von Mueller ‘21

593. Hannah Wang ‘21

594. Carson Wardell ‘21

595. Clarke Wheeler *21

596. Alexander Williams ‘21

597. Talitha Wisner ‘21

598. Michael Yeug ‘21

599. Thea Zalabak ‘21

600. Demi Zhang ‘21

601. Harshini Abbaraju ‘22

602. Zora Arum ‘22

603. Diego Ayala ‘22

604. Danice Ball ‘22

605. Christopher Barkachi ‘22

606. Alix Barry ‘22

607. Stav Bejerano ‘22

608. Shriya Bhatt ‘22

609. Adam Boukind ‘22

610. Camille Boylan ‘22

611. Sarah Brown ‘22

612. Hayden Burt ‘22

613. Henry Byrd ‘22

614. Wells Carson ‘22

615. Beata Corcoran ‘22

616. Oliver Crane ‘22

617. Emily Cruz ‘22

618. Kate Daugherty ‘22

619. Paola De La Cruz ‘22

620. Oliver Effron ‘22

621. Leonardo Espinoza Zuniga ‘22

622. Ahmed Farah ‘22

623. Ameena Faruki ‘22

624. Joseph Feng ‘22

625. Avigail Gilad ‘22

626. Frederick Hagen-Gates ‘22

627. Madeleine Hare ‘22

628. Emma Harlan ‘22

629. Christine Hu ‘22

630. Lauren Huff ‘22

631. Alyssa Humeston ‘22

632. Christina Im ‘22

633. Aliya Ismagilova ‘22

634. Taro Johnson ‘22

635. Caren Ju ‘22

636. Fred King ‘22

637. Kenzo Lacuarta ‘22

638. Jessica Lambert ‘22

639. Andres Larrieu ‘22

640. Sophia Lewandrowski ‘22

641. Ellen Li ‘22

642. Christopher Lugo ‘22

643. William Makinen ‘22

644. Kayla Memis ‘22

645. Marissa Michaels ‘22

646. Zev Mishell ‘22

647. Maya Mishra ‘22

648. Nina Oyemeziem ‘22

649. Noel Peng ‘22

650. Eric Periman ‘22

651. Tim Peterson ‘22

652. Madeleine Polubinski ‘22

653. Hannah Reynolds ‘22

654. Benjamin Roberts ‘22

655. Fernanda Romo ‘22

656. Sally Root ‘22

657. Peter Scharer ‘22

658. Joseph Shipley ‘22

659. Mark Smith ‘22

660. Kamron Soldozy ‘22

661. Kathleen Song ‘22

662. Ryan Sung ‘22

663. Peter Taylor ‘22

664. Keely Toledo ‘22

665. Amy Torres ‘22

666. Charles Vrattos ‘22

667. Sandoval Wood ‘22

668. Adam Ziff ‘22

669. Samuel Zorowitz *22

670. Aishah Balogun ‘23

671. Floyd benedikter ‘23

672. Daisy Bissonette ‘23

673. Ana Blanco ‘23

674. Luke Bunday ‘23

675. Jon Charette ‘23

676. Alina Chen ‘23

677. Calif Chen ‘23

678. Linda Chen ‘23

679. Madeleine Chong ‘23

680. Athena Chu ‘23

681. Laeo Crnkovic-Rubsamen ‘23

682. Austin Davis ‘23

683. Sophia Donovan ‘23

684. Evelyn Doskoch ‘23

685. Yaxin Duan ‘23

686. Annabel Dupont ‘23

687. Annabelle Duval ‘23

688. Julia Elman ‘23

689. Julia Elman ‘23

690. Hannah Faughnan ‘23

691. Bryan Foo ‘23

692. Katherine Forbes ‘23

693. Naomi Frim-Abrams ‘23

694. Sarah Fry ‘23

695. Brandon Gauthier ‘23

696. Miguel Gracia-Zhang ‘23

697. James Grosz ‘23

698. Anecia Henry ‘23

699. Anna Hiltner ‘23

700. Yaashree Himatsingka ‘23

701. Lena Hoplamazian ‘23

702. Tiffany Huang ‘23

703. Arjun Jagjivan ‘23

704. Gawon Jo ‘23

705. Petr Karpov ‘23

706. Yoon Young Kim ‘23

707. Angelina Lumour-Mensah ‘23

708. Aidan Lynott ‘23

709. Brannon Marsh ‘23

710. Nicole Martin ‘23

711. Andrew Matos ‘23

712. Allyson McCormick ‘23

713. Patrice McGivney ‘23

714. Alice McGuinness ‘23

715. Sam Melton ‘23

716. Trivan Menezes ‘23

717. Liora Nasi ‘23

718. Charles Newman ‘23

719. Brennen Nishimura ‘23

720. Christine Ohenzuwa ‘23

721. Rosemary Paulson ‘23

722. Karla Perez-Gazca ‘23

723. Oscar Platt ‘23

724. Angelica Qin ‘23

725. Will Rehm ‘23

726. Ben Reinkemeyer ‘23

727. River Reynolds ‘23

728. Isabel Rodrigues ‘23

729. Molly Sauter ‘23

730. Liam Seeley ‘23

731. Katie Shirk ‘23

732. Colton Simmons ‘23

733. Samantha Spector ‘23

734. Camilla Strauss ‘23

735. Mayu Takeuchi ‘23

736. Bethelihem Tebase ‘23

737. Kai Tsurumaki ‘23

738. Iris Ushizima Sabino ‘23

739. Elizabeth Zheleznyakova ‘23

740. Joel Abraham ‘24

741. Diana Little ‘24

742. Eve Aschheim Current faculty and staff

743. Colleen Asper Current faculty and staff

744. Alex Becker Current faculty and staff

745. Su Friedrich Current faculty and staff

746. Vítor Vasco Lourenco de Vasconcelos Current faculty and staff

747. Mitch McEwen Current faculty and staff

748. Noah Rose Current faculty and staff

749. Ian Sapollnik Current faculty and staff

750. Dan Sheffield Current faculty and staff

751. Susan Sugarman Current faculty and staff

752. Amy Tarczynski Current faculty and staff

753. Kathy Wagner Current faculty and staff

754. Yan Wang Current faculty and staff

755. Max Weiss Current faculty and staff

756. Monica Youn Current faculty and staff

757. Avery Agles Current graduate student

758. Jarome Ali Current graduate student

759. Gerasimos Angelatos Current graduate student

760. Maya Aronoff Current graduate student

761. Justine Atkins Current graduate student

762. Jonathan Barnett Current graduate student

763. Danielle Beavers Current graduate student

764. Hélène Benveniste Current graduate student

765. RJ Bergmann Current graduate student

766. Dakota Blackman Current graduate student

767. Sebastian Block Munguia Current graduate student

768. Roel Bos Current graduate student

769. Tyler Boyd-Meredith Current graduate student

770. Jess Breda Current graduate student

771. Molly Brune Current graduate student

772. Joe Bucciero Current graduate student

773. Ciro Cabal Current graduate student

774. Ciro Cabal Current graduate student

775. Gregory Carte Current graduate student

776. Elise Chagas Current graduate student

777. Shuk Ying Chan Current graduate student

778. Glen Chua Current graduate student

779. Lauren Clingan Current graduate student

780. Christopher Crawford Current graduate student

781. Ian Davis Current graduate student

782. Luciana Debenedetti Current graduate student

783. Robert Decker Current graduate student

784. JR DeLaRosa Current graduate student

785. Francisco Diez Current graduate student

786. Rachit Dubey Current graduate student

787. Riley Edwards Current graduate student

788. Joseph Eichenhofer Current graduate student

789. Weston Fleming Current graduate student

790. Micah Fletcher Current graduate student

791. Julia Grummitt Current graduate student

792. Sarah Hammer Current graduate student

793. Jennifer Johnson Current graduate student

794. Lorraine Keeler Current graduate student

795. Jordan Klein Current graduate student

796. Aleksandar Kostić Current graduate student

797. Brian Kraus Current graduate student

798. Fin Le Maitre Current graduate student

799. Ian Lundberg Current graduate student

800. Iona Main Current graduate student

801. Alex Merchant Current graduate student

802. Owen Minott Current graduate student

803. Sophie Moullin Current graduate student

804. Meghana Mungikar Current graduate student

805. Jade Ngo Current graduate student

806. Jiya Pandya Current graduate student

807. Jamie Pelling Current graduate student

808. Felice Physioc Current graduate student

809. Rosalyn Price-Waldman Current graduate student

810. Sujata Rajpurohit Current graduate student

811. Sofia Alessandra Ramirez Current graduate student

812. Yvette Ramirez Current graduate student

813. Sarah Reibstein Current graduate student

814. Riley Simmons-Edler Current graduate student

815. Corwin Sinnamon Current graduate student

816. Merlijn Staps Current graduate student

817. William Stewart Current graduate student

818. Andreas Strasser Current graduate student

819. Christopher K. Tokita Current graduate student

820. Johan Andreas Trovik Current graduate student

821. Chloé Vettier Current graduate student

822. Brody Viney Current graduate student

823. Liana Wait Current graduate student

824. Changyan Wang Current graduate student

825. Ryan Warsing Current graduate student

826. Harrison Watson Current graduate student

827. Hugh Wilson Current graduate student

828. Lindsay Wylie Current graduate student

829. Jorge Yanar Current graduate student

830. Aiyu Zheng Current graduate student



Divest Princeton

A coalition of students, faculty, and alumni calling on Princeton University to #divest our endowment from fossil fuel companies and reinvest responsibly.