Re-imagining Service Delivery with Security Constraints

Satish Jayaram and Zamanjit .S. Parmar

Principal Ihmaura
4 min readJul 16, 2020

What challenges do we face today?

Is the economy truly regulated by a sense of fear? Are unsafe environments creating apprehension in our customers’ minds? Is fear the new driver of competition? Shall we pull out a new service delivery charm? Our industry needs to find these answers from higher human interaction and customer co-creation. Everything from food & beverage service, in-room support systems and transportation require to be reprogrammed for safety compliance. Service delivery is dependent on the physical setting, supported by equipment and technology. The people variable brings service to life through innovation in standard operating procedures. Guests experience the quality of training first hand, irrespective of other uncontrollable aspects. External pressures have started to moderate service delivery like never before. Our purpose is to establish a method to fully challenge these constraints.

How do we evaluate our alternatives?

Jayaram (2020) identifies that the above variable of security constraint affects service delivery on account of multiple factors. It is important to establish four terms of reference classifying service delivery. Service may be limited, extended, procedural or proactive. The accompanying model clarifies multiple dimensions that constrain delivery approaches.

What is beyond ‘contact-less service ’, ‘key-less room access’, ‘e-registration’ and ‘e-meeting spaces ’? The differentiator is the level of proactive coverage, customised to provide a wider service range. This is driven by highly motivated teams, adapting service design without comprising norms. Regulation, security, safety and hygiene have become dominant critical success factors today.

The enabling feature in differentiated service is not only creative service design. It is the super structure facilitating quality service. Sharing cutting edge service differentiators is not only for competitive advantage, but for the benefit of humanity at large.

Is there a solution on the horizon?

How will the warmth of our smiles and service vibes cross the mandatory facial mask barrier? The symbolism of safety must not preclude the inner commitment of competent professionals. Service provider smiles will find their way into bright and welcoming eyes. Guest expectations are met as the fundamental pre-requisite of trust in service is demonstrated. All standard operating procedures (SOPs) must constantly affirm safety, positivity and well-being. The responsibility of this rests with the mindfulness of the service provider. The fear and apprehension of contagion must only be mitigated by competence.

There are other support features that appear uncontrollable by the service design and delivery team. Enormous reinforcement is needed from leadership for smooth execution through empowerment. The following three critical domains need to be aligned with change.

Digital and Electronic Support

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) can be deployed to repeat successful guest engagement stories. Collaborating with electronic distribution channels to highlight assured hygiene service practices is critical. Creating online content referring to newly customised products and services matters. Release a series of posts and short videos demonstrating adherence to regulations, steps taken to maintain safety and hygiene. Internal hygiene certifications and co-branded health solutions known to international travelers’ highlights recognition.

Finance and Logistics Support

Pressure to purchase specialised equipment, health related technologies and bringing reputed hygiene consultants on-board will require monetary support. A well planned investment based on sharp business acumen, will consider negation of usage over a thousand times. Replacements, stocks and supplies of routine items like PPE, masks and sanitizers has to be factored into operations. Additional marginal costs have to be offset against long term benefits rather than immediate return on investment.

Loyalty and Branding Support

Great service brings great reputation by fully engaging ORM (Online Reputation Management) methods. Rekindling a loyalty base is purely a matter of time, once trust in service returns. A repeat performance of consistent service will bring back solid trust in the brand. Brand identity cannot be compromised for short term gain and principles of loyalty must apply. Traditional methods of securing brand loyalty may need to be replaced, through interactive guest and associate communication to establish new standards.

The idea is to be prudent in terms of business preparedness for the immediate future. Market leadership would be an outcome of consistency, before you re-emerge as a market leader. The new normal requires a new degree of differentiation, by re-customising services proactively to achieve quality solutions. Humans will holistically re-invent outstanding service delivery encore, irrespective of any number of growing security constraints.

